Random Trivia

If you need to leave the classroom, you should......

Ask yourself if it is necessary, or if it can wait? Always ask permission from the teacher. 

Prohibited: What is not allowed during class time?

Cell phone 

Excessive and distracting food


Homework: Demonstrate how to turn in "hard copy" homework. 

Walk over to the file sorter, and place the homework in the appropriate place determined by class period. 


If you are not in your seat working on the bell ringer when the bell rings, or if you come in class after the bell rings, you will be marked tardy.

Tardies are tracked by the office. They will let you know when you have time to make up. Mrs. Nathan may require you to serve a detention, to make up time and work on what was missed at the beginning of class. 


How many oceans are there on Earth?



Drinks must be.....

In a resealable container, to prevent spills. 

What does it mean to be Productive?

Always have something to work on. If you finish early, have something else to do quietly until you are dismissed from class. 


Demonstrate the proper way to leave the classroom. 

Stand up, push in the chair, and walk quietly to the door without pushing or shoving.

If you are treating the classroom as a playground and horse-playing, your behavior is disruptive or inappropriate, you will be given.......

A detention. A behavioral report will be filed, and your parents will also be notified. 


What does the raven say in Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven?


Describe the food policy. 

Small, undisruptive snacks are allowed. Clean up after yourself. Do not leave packaging or wrappers on or below your desk area. 


Be Polite. What should you be doing during class?

Respect the teacher and the classroom.

Respect other students.

Be respectful of things that don't belong to you. 


Demonstrate how to properly transition from the bell ringer to the daily lesson. 

Quietly put your bell ringer away, and quietly get out your notes, book, and/or computer to begin the day's lesson. 


The easiest way to avoid a consequence is to...

Do what you are supposed to do!

Respect Mrs. Nathan and her classroom. 


Which of the following does not grow on a tree: eggplant, olive, or avocado?



Describe the Late policy. 

If assignments are late for any reason, upon grading, assignments will be put into the gradebook as "missing" until the assignment is completed. You have until the end of the grading term to complete the missing assignments. 


Be Prepared. What materials should you come to class with everyday?

Charged Computer

Something to write with


Homework/Assignment completed


Demonstrate the Bell Ringer procedure. 

Walk into class quietly. Sit down your stuff. Take out your notebook or computer, and immediately begin on the bell ringer. Continue to work quietly, not disrupting others. 


Bell Ringer serve as your attendance and participation grade. They help continue to grown and build skills we often forget about. If you do not participate in them, you....

May be given retraining to come in and practice how to perform the bell ringer procedure. 

If you have no bell ringers to turn in, you will be given a 60% for lack of participation. 


Which of these animals has the most legs: bee, octopus, or crab?


(Bees have six, octopi have eight, crabs have 10)


If you miss class due to an activity, illness, or arranged appointment, what should you do?

Ask for assignments ahead of time if applicable. Communicate with the teacher and ask for the work that was missed. You are allocated 2 school days for every day missed, up to 10 total days. 


What does it mean to be polished?

Turn in the best quality of your work. Be sure all of your assignment is completed before you turn them in. Review, edit, and make changes for the betterment of your work. 


Demonstrate the cell phone procedure. 

Upon entry to the classroom, place your cell phone into the pockets provided. When you are dismissed from class, or when granted permission by the teacher, you may retrieve your cell phone. 


If Mrs. Nathan catches you on your phone during class time, when permission was not granted to do so, she will....

1. Ask you to put your phone on the wall. 

2. If you refuse, she will take it, and take it to the office. 

3. If you refuse to give it up, she will contact Mr. Cunningham to come to get it. 

4. Your parents will be notified that your cell phone is not appropriate for the classroom. 


Which of the following do Tom Hanks, Michael Keaton, Ellen DeGeneres, and Owen Wilson have in common: A. they've all had a series on NBC

B. they've all voiced Pixar characters

C. they're all recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom?

B. They've all voiced Pixar Characters
