Facial Massage
Life Skills
Vitamins fall into two categories fat-soluble and water soluble. Name the fat soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins
What is fat soluble vitamins are A,D,E and K . The water soluble vitamins are B and C
These types of ingredients make up the majority of a product and allow products to spread , give them body and specific form, such as lotion, cream or gel.
What is Functional ingredients.
Massage is stress relieving and relaxing . Name three other benefits.
What is stimulates blood and lymph circulation. Helps muscle tone, improves metabolism, helps slough off dead skin cells, reduces puffiness and congestion, helps product absorption.
The word cosmetics and cosmetology come from the Greek word kosmetikos, what does it mean?
What is "skilled in the use of cosmetics."
what are ethics
What is the moral principles by which we live and work.
Fats are very high in calories, the measure of heat units. How many calories are in a gram of fat? and How many calories are in a gram of protein?
What is a gram of fat has 9 calories and a gram of protein has 4 calories.
Products that do not contain water are known as ?
What is anhydrous
Always massage from muscle...... to .......
What is insertion to origin
What historical civilization bathed in olive oil and dusted their body with fine sand to regulate their body temperature and protect themselves from the sun?
What is the Greeks
When you work together with staff members it is known as what?
What is teamwork
Macronutrients are the basic building blocks necessary for bodily functions. What are the three basic food groups.
What is (are) protein , carbohydrates, fats
What does the acronym TEWL stand for ?
What is Trans Epidermal Water Loss
Name 4 contraindications for performing massage.
What are Contagious disease, inflamed acne, sunburn or sensitive skin. Also open lesions , hypertension, blood diseases, diabetes.
What ancient civilization is known for their baths?
What is the Romans
This is the identification of long term and short term goals that helps you decide what you want out of your lifel
What is goals or goal setting.
There are 20 common amino acid, eleven of the twenty common amino acids are known as ?
What is nonessential amino acids
One of the biggest categories of cosmetic ingredients is.....They reduce the surface tension between the skin and the product and increase the spreadability of cosmetic products.
What is Surfactants
Classic Swedish massage movements include ...
What is effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement, and vibration.
Victorian women are said to have ........their cheeks and .....their lips to induce natural color rather than use cosmetics such as lipsticks and rouge.
What is pinched their cheeks and bitten their lips.
This is the daily maintenance of cleanliness and healthfulness through certain sanitary practices.
What is Personal hygiene
Carbohydrates brakes down the basic chemical sugars that supply energy for the body. There are three basic structural carbohydrate division. What are they
What is Monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.
Preservatives prevent bacteria and other microorganisms from living in a product. Name one common preservative.
What is Parabens, quaternium 15, and urea.
The Dr. Jacquet movement keeps sebum moving forward and out of the follicles. What step should this movement follow?
What is desencrustation because it softens and prepares the skin for extraction.
500 a specialist in cleansing, beautification, and preservation of the health of skin on the entire body, including the face and neck
What is esthetician also known as aesthetician
This is the science of designing the work place , its equipment and tools to make specific body movements more comfortable, efficient and safe.
What is ergonomics