Where can I find Courtesy Coupons in KM?
What is 'Forms & Databases'?
Store-produced documents only.
What is Register 60
The customer's first name should always be included in this area.
What is the 'Greeting' or 'Salutation'?
It is never okay to use this word when a restricted caller calls in.
What is 'Fraud'?
This is the Print & Marketing Services customer service support telephone number.
What is '888-333-3199'?
What article would help me find contact information for one of our vendors?
What is 'Print & Marketing - Common Contacts'?
Foamboards, lawn signs or Outdoor banners.
Who is DCS?
This needs to be included in the subject line within a Kana email that a representative sends to a customer.
What is 'Staples'?
The customer needs to verify at least this number of data points or pieces of information on their account prior to representative disclosing information or make changes to the account.
What is 'two' pieces of information?
free delivery for Print & Marketing orders is available for orders over this amount.
What is '$59.99 before taxes'?
I missed a time punch and need to correct it.
What is the 'Kronos Update Request Form'?
Custom embossers and notary stamps are produced by this vendor.
Who is 'Taylor'?
When emailing a customer, it is not necessary to remove the extraneous symbols or abbreviations within the subject line.
What is 'False'?
The customer's first & last name in combination with order number are sufficient to verify the account.
What is 'False'?
Same day orders must be placed before this time in order to pick up that evening.
What is before '12 Noon local time'?
Receipts for PrintMe can be be found under Register....
What is 'Register 26'
This vendor can only be contacted by our representatives via email.
Who is 'Fuji'?
This is the outgoing email address which should be used when responding to a customer's email inquiry.
What is 'printmarketingservices@staples.com'?
This department can now be directly contacted by the representative to see if an order that has been held or cancelled can be released or replaced.
What is the 'Fraud - CSHD Team'?
A customer is able to stack this number of coupons together to receive additional savings?
What is 'customers cannot stack coupons; only 1 coupon can be used per order'?
PWO is an acronym for
What is 'Problem with Order'?
An order with the prefix of 224 is an example of this type of order.
What is Solution Builder (in-store) Register 5?
A user can change the outgoing email address in Kana by clicking on which icon?
What is 'the small postcard icon in the upper right hand corner under the "VERINT" logo'.
This team should be contacted if a customer is calling about receiving an email about account updates they did not make.
What is the 'WebTech team'?
Price matching for Print & Marketing services is available in this location.
What is 'in-store'?