What's a synonym for "happy"?
(Answer: Joyful, cheerful, etc.)
What’s a synonym for “wealthy”?
(Answer: Rich, affluent, well-off, etc.)
What’s the opposite of "short"?
(Answer: Tall, long, etc.)
What’s the opposite of “generous”?
(Answer: Selfish, stingy, etc.)
What’s a synonym for “quick”?
(Answer: Fast, speedy, rapid, etc.)
What's a synonym for "big"?
(Answer: Large, huge, massive, etc.)
What’s a synonym for “exhausted”?
(Answer: Tired, fatigued, drained, etc.)
What’s the opposite of "strong"?
What’s the opposite of "strong"?
What’s the opposite of “brave”?
(Answer: Cowardly, fearful, timid, etc.)
Find the antonym for "victory".
(Answer: Defeat, loss, etc.)
What's a synonym for "angry"?
(Answer: Mad, furious, enraged, etc.)
What’s a synonym for “ancient”?
(Answer: Old, historic, antique, etc.)
What’s the opposite of "heavy"?
(Answer: Light)
What’s the opposite of “increase”?
(Answer: Decrease, reduce, shrink, etc.)
What’s a word that means both a synonym for "helpful" and an antonym for "useless"?
(Answer: Useful, beneficial, valuable, etc.)
What’s a synonym for “funny”?
(Answer: Hilarious, amusing, comical, etc.)
What’s a synonym for “courageous”?
(Answer: Brave, bold, fearless, etc.)
What’s the opposite of "happy"?
(Answer: Sad, unhappy, miserable, etc.)
What’s the opposite of “polite”?
What’s the opposite of “polite”?
What’s a synonym for “tired”?
(Answer: Sleepy, exhausted, fatigued, etc.)
What’s a synonym for “beautiful”?
What’s a synonym for “beautiful”?
300 points: What’s a synonym for “honest”?
(Answer: Truthful, sincere, candid, etc.)
What’s the opposite of "early"?
(Answer: Late)
What’s the opposite of “complex”?
(Answer: Simple, easy, basic, etc.)
What’s the opposite of “lazy” but also a synonym for “active”?
(Answer: Hardworking, diligent, busy, etc.)