Main Idea
A synonym for "canine".
What is dog?
An antonym for "ancient".
What is modern?

Steel is a very important metal that is used for many things. In the United States, the automobile industry uses the most steel. Steel is also used for putting up buildings. Cans and containers are made from steel. Steel can be used to make farm and factory machines. What is the main idea?

A. Steel is an important metal.

B.  Steel is used for many different things.

C. Steel is more strong than wood.

What is

B. Steel is used for many different things

An antonym for "quickly".
What is slowly?

Mr. Nelson, the mailman, walked across a beautiful yard to bring the mail to the Bell's home. Suddenly, the sprinklers went on and Mr. Nelson was all wet. Very angry, Mr. Nelson went to the front of the house and pounded on the door. No one answered. 

How did Mr. Nelson get so wet?

An automatic timer had been set to start the sprinklers.

A synonym for "car".
What is vehicle?
An antonym for "generous".
What is stingy?

If you are feeling sad, you can make yourself feel better by doing a few simple things. You can take a walk, or get another form of exercise. You can also talk to a friend, or you can write down your feelings. Writing down the good things in your life will help too. Doing something good for someone else can also help you feel better. If you still feel a little sad, act happy. It works like magic to make you feel better! What is the main idea?

A. There are lots of ways to feel better when you’re sad.

B. Sometimes people feel sad.

C. When people feel sad they need help.

What is 

A. There are lots of ways to feel better when you’re sad.

An antonym for "usually".
What is rarely?

The bike skidded out of control. It slammed against the sidewalk. The rider hit the ground hard. His pant leg was ripped. His knee was scraped and bleeding. He began to sniffle. 

Why did the bike rider sniffle?

He was beginning to cry.

A synonym for "beverage".
What is drink.
An antonym for "valuable".
What is worthless?

Tom started to reel in his line. The fish tugged and pulled hard. Judging by the weight of his catch, this fish could feed his family for three days. Tom struggled to stay in the boat and not be pulled over the side. Finally, his catch came into view. He had caught a snapping turtle! What is the main idea?

A. Tom didn't catch anything.

B. Tom catches a snapping turtle while fishing.

C. Tom loves to fish.

What is  

B. Tom catches a snapping turtle while fishing.

An antonym for "temporarily".
What is permanently?

James and his dad were driving down the road on their way to the next city. Without warning, one of the tires began making a thump, thump, thump sound, and the car felt strange. Dad pulled the car over the side of the road and stopped. Dad immediately saw the problem and went to get the jack from the trunk of the car. 

Why did Dad pull the car off the road?

4. A tire was flat.

A synonym for "lamp".
What is light?
An antonym for "unique".
What is ordinary?

4. One of the most popular musical instruments is the piano. In the traditional musical instrument classification system of string, woodwind, percussion, and brass, the piano falls into two categories. It is considered a string instrument because the sound comes from the strings inside the piano. It is also considered a percussion instrument since the player strikes the keyboard, which signals an internal hammer to strike the strings. What is the main idea?

A. Pianos are very popular instruments.

B. The piano is both a string and percussion instrument.

C. It takes a lot of practice to learn the piano.

What is 

B. The piano is both a string and percussion instrument.

An antonym for "courteously".
What is rudely?

It was 98 degrees outside. Derek and his father were running some errands. They had just finished grocery shopping, but had to run into the dry cleaners to pick up a suit. As Derek got out of the car, his father asked him to leave his window open a crack. 

Why do you think Derek's dad told Derek to leave the window open a bit? 

He wanted to let some air into the car to cool it off.

A synonym for "novel".
What is a book?
An antonym for "ecstatic".
What is miserable?

There are many fun things to do at the beach. Swimming is one thing that can be done at the beach.  Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed.  Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun. It is also fun to look for shells.  Some people simply like to sunbathe. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. People love going to the beach.

B. There are many fun things to do at the beach.

c. Going to the beach is fun. 

What is 

B. There are many fun things to do at the beach.

An antonym for "accidentally".
What is intentionally?

Melanie was doing her homework. She kept busy but she kept looking at her watch. When it was 6:00, she smiled. She put her homework down. She went into the living room and picked up the remote.

 Why did Melanie smile when it was 6:00?

It was time to watch her favorite show.
