Verb Varieties
Phrase Phenomena
Clause Categories
Endearing Errors
Teaching Tools

Some examples of this type of verb are "endures," "gestures," and "hiccups."

What are intransitive verbs?


Examples of this are "in a nutshell," "without a doubt," "over the river," and "through the woods."

What is a prepositional phrase?


These are the key components of a clause.

What are a subject and a verb?


I came, I saw, I conquered.

What is an example of a run-on, a run-together sentence, or a comma splice?


This technique involves giving honest positive feedback before and after helping students learn techniques for editing their work.

What is sandwiching?


Some examples of this type of verb are "loves," "throws," and "eats."

What are transitive verbs?


Examples of this are "ran for office," "wants to do her best," and "will be going to see the new Wes Anderson flick."

What is a verb phrase?


These are examples of this type of clause: which she smelled from a mile away who loved to tell the story of the ogre and the cheese

What is an adjective clause? -or- What is a relative clause?


Shouting "Stella!" at the top of his lungs.

What is an example of a sentence fragment?


This technique involves creating original examples of phrases and clauses to help students see their own writing from a different perspective.

What is modeling?


Some examples of this type of verb are "is" and "seems."

What are linking verbs?


The key word in this type of phrase is a noun that renames another noun.

What is an appositive?


These are examples of this type of clause: because she smelled it from a mile away, when she told the story of the ogre and the cheese

What is a dependent clause? -or- What is a subordinate clause?


Being a blacksmith wasn't prestigious because blacksmiths had to work hard, didn't have to be intelligent, and also because they got dirty.

What is a parallel structure error?


This question is often helpful when we work with students who've written poorly focused sentences.

What is "Who's doing what?"


This verb tense is used to indicate actions that occurred (and ended) before another action ended in the past.

What is the past perfect?


"Throwing," "thrown," and "to throw" (or "in order to throw") are all words that can start off this type of phrase.

What is a verbal phrase?


These are examples of this type of clause: whether or not she smelled it from a mile away the fact that he loved to tell the story of the ogre and the cheese

What is a noun clause?


Upon meeting the monster in the wilderness of the mountains the monster makes Frankenstein an offer.

What is a dangling modifier?


This is a good approach to handling the situation in which a student behaves inappropriately during a conference.

Possible correct answers include the following: [What is] asking the instructor to intervene, asking "How can I help you as a writing coach?", explaining the role of the writing coach, and others [ ? ]


This type of verb is constructed with a "to be" helping verb plus a past participle.

What is passive or passive voice?


Examples of this type of phrase are "his hair blowing in the wind" and "the wheels spinning and engine revving."

What is an absolute?


Of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, this is the one that cannot be constructed as a clause.

What are verbs?


The use of irony can be viewed as Victor's id.

What is a predication error?


This is Jean Anyon's main assertion about education in America.

What is the idea that education is unequal in America because teachers tend to make assumptions about their students' future careers and teach accordingly? -or- What is the assertion that students receive unequal educations, in terms of the degree to which they are taught to memorize or think critically, based on class?
