What is the capital of Syria?
What Mosque is Syria known for?
Umayyad Mosque
What traditional Syrian dessert uses semolina and cheese?
Name 3 languages other than Arabic spoken by some Syrians.
English, French, Kurdish, Turkish, Circassian, Aramaic, Greek, etc.
What was the Qibla before Masjid Al-Haram?
Masjid Al-Aqsa
Which sea borders Syria to the West?
Mediterranean Sea
Which Prophet was buried in Syria?
Prophet Yahya (AS)
What is a traditional drink often served with breakfast?
Mint Tea
What is the national flower of Syria? What is the national tree?
Jasmine flower, Olive tree
Which Arab country speaks the closest dialect of Arabic to the Quranic Arabic?
Saudi Arabia, they speak Najdi, Hijazi, and Gulf Arabic, (NOT Modern Standard Arabic, but very close)
Which river flows through Syria?
Euphrates River
What is the most followed Islamic school of thought in Syria?
The Hanafi school within Sunni Islam, alongside a significant presence of the Shafi'i school as well
Name 2 staple dishes of Syrian cuisine.
Shawarma, Kibbeh, Falafel, Fattoush, Kebab, Tabouleh, etc.
Which major empire once ruled Syria?
Ottoman Empire
What percent of the Middle East is Muslim?
Name the 5 countries that share a border with Syria.
Turkey, Iraq, Jordon, Palestine, Lebanon
What does Prophet Muhammad PBUH say about Syria?
He replied: Go to Syria, for it is Allah's chosen land, to which his best servants will be gathered, but if you are unwilling, go to your Yemen, and draw water from your tanks, for Allah has on my account taken special charge of Syria and its people.
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Name the 3 ways Kibbeh is served in Syria.
Grilled, Fried, Raw
What piece of clothing are Syrian women known for?
White hijabs/black coats
How many Prophets were born in Palestine?
9/25 Prophets were born in Palestine. Prophet Ismaeel (AS), Prophet Ishaq (AS), Prophet Yaqub (AS), Prophet Yusuf (AS), Prophet Dawud (AS), Prophet Sulaiman (AS), Prophet Zakariya (AS), Prophet Yahya (AS), Prophet Isa (AS),
How many provinces is Syria divided into? Name 4
Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Latakia, Idlib, Hama, Tartus, Rif Dimashq, etc.
Under whose leadership did Syria become part of the successive Muslim states and dynasties? (640)
Led by Khalid ibn al-Walid and overall by Abu Bakr
What is the staple grain in Syrian cuisine?
What does the following Syrian saying mean? ุงุฑุฌููู ุนุฑุถ ูุชุงูู "Show me the width of your shoulders"
A phrase used when one is upset with another, and wants them to turn around and get out of their face (by showing them their shoulders/back)
What was the significance of Prophet Muhammad PBUH's trip to Syria with his uncle Abu-Talib at the age of 12?
He went because Syria was a great trade center, which is significant because, during this trip, Prophet Muhammad encountered a monk named Bahira in the town of Bosra, who, upon seeing Muhammad, recognized potential signs of prophethood.