Solving by Graphing
Solving by Elimination
Solving by Substitution
Solving by Choice
How many factors does 80 have?

What is 10?

1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 40, 80


The solution to the system:

y = (1/3)x - 3
2x - y = 8

What is (3, -2)?


The solution to the system:

(1/3)x + (1/4)y = 10
(1/3)x - (1/2)y = 4

What is (24, 8)?


6x + 6y = -6
5x + y = -13

What is (-3, 2)?


3x + 2y = 9

2x + 6y = 6

What is (3, 0)


What are the first 10 digits of pi?

What is 3.1415926535?


Trisha and Mandy are both selling cookie dough for a fundraiser. Although Trisha has already sold 10 tubs, Mandy hasn't sold any yet. If Trisha starts selling 1 tub per day and Mandy begins selling 2 tubs per day, they will eventually sell the same amount of cookie dough. How many days will that take? 

What is 10 days?


You need to rent a video camera for your school project. Murphy's Camera charges a $30 rental fee plus $35 per day. Allied Rental charged a $45 rental fee plus $30 per day.

 After _____ days, ________ is cheaper. 

What is 3?

What is Allied Rental?


The admission fee at the Marquette Country Fair is $1.50 for children and $4.00 for adults. On a certain day, 2200 people enter the fair and $5050 is collected. 

How many children and how many adults attended?

What is 700 adults?

What is 1500 children?


The sum of two numbers is 92. Their difference is 20. Find the two numbers.

What is 56 and 36?


I am an odd number, take away an alphabet and I become even. What number am I?

What is 7?


A GameSwap membership costs $20 and includes one game per month for $5. Non-members can get one game a month for $7. 

When does it make sense to become a member?

What is 10 months?


Reserved seat tickets for the football game cost $3.50 each and general admissions tickets cost $2.00 each. After the game is over, the turnstile count shows 1,650 people attended the game. The total receipts were $4650.

Find the number of each kind of ticket sold.

What is 900 reserved tickets?

What is 750 general admission tickets?


At a family reunion, it was decided that everyone wanted to attend a play performance. When Jill bought 40 tickets, the bill was $200. If the adult tickets were $8 and the children tickets were $2, how many adults attended? How many children attended?

What is 20 children?

What is 20 adults? 


An electronics warehouse ships televisions and DVD players in certain combinations to retailers throughout the country. The weight of 3 televisions and 5 DVD players is 62.5 pounds, and the weight of 3 televisions and 2 DVD players is 52 pounds.

How much does each TV and DVD player weigh?

What is TV= 15 pounds?

What is DVD= 3.5 pounds?



-1[(3-4 X 7) /5] -2 X 24 /6

What is -3?


Mrs. Maki wants to get family portraits taken and is comparing prices between different photography studios. Portraits 101 charges $10 per portrait sheet, plus $60 for the session fee. Lasting Memories Company charges $70 for the session fee and $5 per portrait sheet. 

If Mrs. Maki plans to purchase a certain number of portrait sheets, the cost will be the same at either studio. How many portrait sheets would that be?

What is 2 portrait sheets?


A high school band held a bake sale. The number of muffins, m, sold was four less than twice the number of cookies, c, sold. The band sold a total of 98 muffins and cookies.

 How many muffins were sold at the high school band's bake sale? 

How many cookies were sold?

What is 64 muffins?

What is 34 cookies?


In an evening, a sporting goods store sold twice as many T-shirts as shorts. T-shirts are $9 each, and shorts are $14 each. The total amount of money taken in for the evening was $256.

How many of each item were sold?

What is 8 shorts?

What is 16 T-shirts?


The dimensions of a rectangle whose perimeter is 78 inches, when the length of the rectangle is twice its width. What are the dimensions?

What is 26x13?


If the area of a circle is 50.27 sq. in, find the circumference. 

What is C = 25.12?


Fun Time Amusement Park has 3 deals.

Daily Rate: $25 a day to visit the Fun Factory 

Silver Pass: $60 for the pass & you can visit the park for $10 a day

Golden Pass: $120 for the pass & you can visit the park for $5 a day

1. What day is the Daily Rate pass the same as the Silver Pass? At what rate?

2. What day is the Silver Pass the same as the Golden Pass? At what rate?

1. What is 6 days at $150?

2. What is 12 days at $180? 


Adam is making a rectangular picture frame. The height of the frame is 6 inches longer than its width. The perimeter of the frame is 76 inches.

What is the width of the frame?

What is the height?

What is a width of 16 inches?

What is a height of 22 inches?


Amy is currently twice as old as Jenny. Five years ago, Amy was three times as old as Jenny was then. How old is Jenny now?

What is Jenny is 10 years old?


The amount of money each child received when Mr. Vogel left $25,000 divided between his son and daughter, with the daughter receiving $5000 less than the son.

What is $15,000 for the son and $10,000 for the daughter?
