Test-Taking Strategies
Medieval Terms
Point of View
During the test, Ms. Preiss was got stuck on question #2 and was feeling frustrated. What is something that she can do?

Options include:

-Flag question and return to it at end.

-Whisper read question and answer choices aloud, or if you have questions read, ask teacher to reread. 

-If very frustrated, advocate for break (many of us receive five minute breaks during testing!) 


What is a knight? 

A knight was a soldier during the Middle Ages. He was considered upper class, wore armor, and fought in jousting tournaments. 


Shiloh opened the door to her apartment and saw long rips in the couch and a lamp knocked over. She could hear meowing from the next room. 

Make an inference about what happened to Shiloh's apartment. Use evidence to support your inference.

Her cat destroyed her couch and lamp while she was not home.


Define point of view. 

Point of view is the who in a story. It is the perspective, or opinions, a character has about the events. 

Define theme. 

Theme is the life lesson of a text. 

It is the author's message and what the reader learns. 

The question states: 

Select three details to include in an objective summary of the passage. 

How many answer choices do you need to click on Edulastic to fully answer this question?

Bonus points if you can name how to determine if a detail should be included in a summary. 

3 answer choices.

A summary detail needs to be the most important information and be objective (no opinions!)


What is a joust?

A joust is a fighting tournament in which two knights on horse charge towards each other carrying lances, or large swords. 


Sydney kept yawning during advisory, and advocated to go splash water on his face. 

Make an inference about how Sydney is feeling. Use evidence to support your inference.

Sydney is feeling tired because he is yawning and needs to splash water to stay awake.


At the beginning of The Midwife's Apprentice, what is Alyce's point of view about herself and her role in society?

Alyce views herself negatively. She has low-self esteem and does not think that she is worthy of much, including a real name.


The question asks: 

How does Alyce's point of view contrast with Jane's?

Which character should I go back in the text to reread about?

Both Alyce and Jane! 


What is a noble?

A noble is a person who held a lot of power in the Middle Ages. They were considered royalty, owned land, and were at the top of the hierarchal class structure. 


Define inference. 

An idea or conclusion that uses evidence from the text and the reader's background knowledge.


Contrast Jane's point of view about failure with Alyce's point of view about failure after Alyce is unable to deliver a baby. 

Jane believes that Alyce should not have given up, while Alyce is still focused on her failure.


Ms. Preiss is unsure what a vocabulary word in the passage means. What can she do to help her determine the meaning?

-Look at context clues in the sentence and paragraph around the word. Think "what word would could go here to make this sentence make sense?" 

-Look at the parts of the word. Think "what other words have similar prefixes, bases, or suffixes?"


What is a serf?

A serf is another term for a peasant. 


Asar was frustrated when he arrived home with his clothes soaking wet. He wished he looked at the weather app before leaving in the morning. 

Make an inference about what happened to Asar's clothes. Use evidence to support your inference.

Asar got stuck in the rain. He didn't bring a rain jacket or umbrella because he didn't check the weather.


What is one multiple choice strategy that you can recommend to your classmates? 


-Use process of elimination - remove answer choices you know are wrong.

-Read over questions first before reading passage so that you know what to look and annotate for. 


What is a feudal system? 

Bonus points if you can name all the parts of the European Medieval feudal system.

The feudal system refers to the system of power between classes in a society. This may also be referred to as a hierarchy. 

In the European Middle Ages, the feudal system was:







Mr. Blocher just finished eating at Buffalo Wild Wings. He has tears in his eyes and his face is red.

Make an inference about what happened to Mr. Blocher. Use evidence to support your inference.

Mr. Blocher ate a wing that was too spicy for him because now he is tearing up and his face is red.
