Explain what 'fail an exam' means
to be unsuccessful on a test or exam
When you ______________ (to heat) ice, it ___________ (to melt).
heat / melts
(something that is always / generally true)
He never ___________ any chores or helps around the house.
You ______________(to clean) the bathroom! It looks lovely!
've cleaned
(focus on the result)
We want to go ___________(trek) in Nepal.
Explain what 'resit' means
take an exam again, usually because you failed or didn't do well the first time
I _____________ (work) from home this month.
am working
(temporary action)
Their companies __________ a lot of business with overseas customers.
She ________________(to read) ten books this summer.
has read
(focus on how many)
Did you manage ____________(to finish) the assignment on time?
to finish
Explain what 'term' means
one of the periods into which a year is divided at school, college or university
This coffee _____________ (to taste) delicious.
(taste is a state verb)
He needs to ____________ an effort to get good results in his tests.
Look! The grass is wet! __________________(it/rain)?
Has it been raining?
(evidence of recent activity)
He's tall enough ____________(to change) the light bulb without getting on a chair.
to change
Explain what 'assignment' means
a piece of work given to someone, typically as part of their studies or job
More and more people _____________ (to feel) the effect of climate change.
are feeling
(action in progress)
She __________ some very nice suggestions, but her boss rejected them all.
We ________________(to know) each other since we were at school.
have known
(ongoing state)
The job involves ____________(to take) risks.
Explain what 'lecture' means
a formal talk on a serious subject given to a group of people, especially students
He _____________ (always/come) in late and ____________ (to make) noise! It's so annoying!
is always coming / making
(annoying habits)
Do you __________ your nails yourself or you have them __________?
do / done
He _________________(to play) video games all day.
has/'s been playing
(focus on how long)
It's great ___________(to be) close to people you rely on.
to be