Tornado Watch
Tornado Warning
Weather Notifications
Severe WX Trivia

What is a Tornado Watch?

A Tornado Watch means tornadoes are possible in and near your area. Be ready to act fast!


What is a Tornado Warning?

 A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. There is imminent danger to life and property.


What is a Thunderstorm Watch

Severe thunderstorms are possible in and near the watch area. Stay informed and be ready to act if a severe thunderstorm ...


Where was the deadliest tornada in Nebraska?

The Omaha Tornado on March 23, 1913 - 101 Dead.  A family of at least seven tornadoes moved across Nebraska and Iowa. The Omaha tornado was the deadliest. It started in Sarpy County, ripping its way northeast through Ralston, where seven people died.


If you have to evacuate in a Fair Weather Situation what is the procedure?

Assemble on the driveway

Stay out of the street

Account for Elders, Personnel and visitors

Place one staff member or family member at the head of the group and one at the rear of the group

Count off

Hold hands

Move to another house or adjacent facility and wait inside for help.

Count off

If someone is missing, notify the  Administrator/Nursing Supervisor and/or Fire Department immediately


What is the best way to find out about Severe Weather?

  • Listen to local radio/ TV for current weather conditions
  • Invest in a Weather Radio
  • Install Weather Apps on your Phones 

Where do Tabitha Residents go in a Tornado Warning?

Every community at Tabitha has a designed area for residents to shelter in place during a Tornado Warning.  At TNRC all residents are removed from there rooms and contained in the corridor's. If you are not aware where to relocate a resident, contact you supervisor.


What is a Thunderstorm Warning

A warning means the weather event is imminent or occurring somewhere in the defined warning area and that people need to take shelter as soon as possible.


How many tornado does Nebraska average per year?

The number of tornadoes in Nebraska has varied substantially from 1950 through 2022. The 73 year average is 41 and the average over the most recent 30 years is 49. Last year there were 26 confirmed tornadoes in Nebraska.


If you have to evacuate in Inclement Weather, what is the procedure?

Move to another house or adjacent facility and wait inside for help

Stay out of the street

Account for Elders, Personnel and visitors

Place one staff member or other responsible person at the head of group and one at the rear of the group

Count off

Hold hands

Count off

If someone is missing, notify Administrator/Nursing Supervisor and/or Fire Department immediately


What are the standard building preparations during a Tornado Watch?

  • Close windows, blinds and curtains throughout the house
  • Remove items from in front of windows and window sills
  • Clear corridors and pathways
  • The Clinical Support Nurse will report to the houses and assist with preparations
  • If on campus, the Nurse Manager will report to the house and assist with preparations

Where do TNRC Office and Non-Clinical Support Staff evacuate to during a Tornado Warning?

TNRC- Johnson Conference Room


What is an Advisory?

An advisory is issued when a hazardous weather or hydrologic event is occurring, imminent or likely. Advisories are for less serious conditions than warnings that cause significant inconvenience and if caution is not exercised, could lead to situations that may threaten life or property.


What type of storm is the most common in producing tornados?

  •  Multi Cell

  •  Cluster Cell

  • Single Cell

  • Multi Cell Line

  • Super Cell

Super Cell


What is Shelter in place?

Move all remaining residents, visitors and staff behind fire doors. Each resident room is also considered a (Safe Zone) All residents, visitors and staff must be inside a resident room or behind a closed fire door. All resident floors/houses have designated smoke compartments and/or (Safe Zones):

Designated smoke compartments (see smoke compartment maps in Life Safety Chapter)

Should fire begin to spread outside confined area residents, visitors and staff should be removed from that smoke compartment to next available smoke compartment of the building.

If there is no available (safe zone), move people outside as quickly as possible. (if applicable)

Residents, visitors and staff located in a smoke compartment or (safe zone) will be evacuated by the Fire Department.

When all residents, visitors and staff are secured that information must be communicated with nursing supervisor and/or Administrator to let them know that everyone is secure.

When we receive the “all clear” from the fire department this will be communicated to all floors.


What is the first thing you should do during a Tornado Watch at a Tabitha Residents/Small House

  • Have all residents come into and remain in the house throughout a tornado watch/warning

When and who should demine when a Tornado Warning has expired.

When the National Weather Services has canceled the Tornada Warning.  


Who issues a tornado watch?

The National Weather Service will issue a tornado watch when conditions or radar indicate the possibility of a tornado. Lancaster County Emergency Management will sound tornado sirens and the University will activate internal notification systems on confirmation of a tornado.


In the 1996 Block Buster Hit Movie Twister, what was the name of the Tornado device, that was designed to release hundreds of sensors into the center of a tornado and send the data back to the weather researchers on the ground.



Why is it important to close the blinds and remove items from Window Sills in a Thunderstorm Warning?

To protect residents and staff from flying debris from shattered windows, hail and wind. 


If a resident is not at home during a Tornado Watch, what should you do?

  • Contact him/her or their responsible party and inform them of the inclement weather
  • Determine if they will return to the house
  • If yes, verify time frame
  • If no, verify where they will remain, how they can be reached and if their family is aware of their location
  • Notify family as appropriate
  • Assist with transportation home, if necessary

In many communities what is a sign on a Tornado in your area.

Tornado Siren


How will I know when a tornado warning is over and we can leave the shelter area?

A warning is issued for a specific time frame. Local radio and television stations typically announce that the warning has expired or been extended.  Stay in touch with your Supervisor for updates and conditions.


Can you name 4 types of Severe Weather?

  • Thunderstorms 
  • Tornadoes 
  • Floods 
  • Lightning
  • Hail
  • Damaging Winds
  • Winter Weather

What should you do if you are driving and in a Hail Storm?

When driving in hail, make sure to pull over as soon as it's safe. Hail falls rapidly and combined with the speed of your moving vehicle, can cause more damage and the risk of an accident. Other drivers will be as caught off guard as you and will seek cover.
