How many teams will qualify from Florida for the VEX IQ World Competition for Middle School Students this season?
How many points are awarded by the judges if the Engineering Notebook does not explain any plan or why the solution or plan was selected?
What is each block score in a goal worth?
How many blocks are loaded in the Supply Zone at the start of the game?
The Supply Zone is filled with eight (8) Purple Blocks and twenty-three (23) Green Blocks.
"I agree that the goal of my team should be to do our best to work together to solve a challenging problem. As a member of the team, I will contribute to all aspects of the process, not just the parts I like best."
What is the "TACOBOTIX Student Contract"
How many points will be awarded by the judges if students cannot explain how team progress was monitored, how students were assigned to tasks, or how material resources were managed?
Emerging (0-1 points)
What are the points total for removing each red block from their stands?
Do the new pneumatics count as motors?
NO :)
How many points will be awarded by the judges for an Engineering Notebook that records the key steps to build and program the solution, but lacks sufficient detail to recreate the solution?
Proficient (2-3 points)
What are the points awarded for clearing the Supply Zone?
What 2 Non-VEX IQ components are permitted on the robbot?
1. Rubber bands that are identical in length and thickness to those included in the VEX IQ.
2. 1⁄8” metal shafts from the VEX V5 product line.
A community-built solution for designing virtual VEX IQ models and creating printable, shareable instructions for them
What is SnapCAD
How many points will be awarded by the judges if the Engineering Notebook provides a complete record of the team and project assignments; written in ink; notes from team meetings including goals, decisions, and accomplishments; name or initials of the author; each page numbered and dated. Design cycles are easily identified. Includes Table of Contents and/or Index so anyone can easily locate needed information.
Expert (4-5 points)
What are the points awarded for each uniform goal?
If a goal meets the following criteria, what is it considered?
At least two (2) Blocks are Scored in the Goal & all Blocks that are Scored in the Goal are of the same type.
A Goal is considered "Uniform"
How many steps are in the TACOBOTIX Design Process Graphic?
How many points will be awarded by the Judges for the Engineering Notebook if it records the steps to build and program the solution and includes enough detail that the reader can follow the logic used by the team to develop their robot design, as well as recreate the robot design from the documentation?
What are the points awarded for a fully parked robot?
Where is the starting position in the Full Volume Game?
Contacting the inside and/or top face of the Field Perimeter wall that is between Goals II and III.