Team #8226A

Where do I find all the resources needed to be on Team TACOBOTIX?

TACOBOTIX Google Drive Folder


How many points are awarded by the judges if the Engineering Notebook does not explain any plan or why the solution or plan was selected?



What is the maximum expansion size of the robot?

Robots may not expand beyond the 23" x 73" horizontal or 15" vertical starting size limits at any time during a Match. The 15" height limit is a "virtual ceiling," meaning that no part of a Robot may exceed 15" above the Floor, regardless of Robot orientation.


Can a Driver also be a Loader in the same Match?



Are Rapid Load Balls eligible to receive credit for passes?



What are the Team TACOBOTIX Game Day Uniform requirements?

1. Black TACOBOTIX Shirt

2. Black Shorts/Pants



What is a Disablement?

A penalty applied to a Team for a safety Violation. During Disablment, a Team is no longer allowed to operate their Robot, and the Drivers will be asked to place their Controller on the ground.

A Disablement is not the same as a Disqualification


How many points will be awarded by the judges if students cannot explain how team progress was monitored, how students were assigned to tasks, or how material resources were managed?

Emerging (0-1 points)


What is the Rapid Load Period and how long does it last?

Loaders have the option to introduce Balls directly into the field during the last fifteen (15) seconds of the Match


Are both teams in an Alliance match required to have a Loader?


1 Loader can be used by both Teams in an Alliance Match.


1. Robot A retrieves a Ball from the Loading Station and launches it down the Field.

2. Robot B retrieves the Ball.

* Scorekeeper records a Pass.

3. Robot B attempts to score a Goal but misses.

4. A human Loader retrieves the Ball and Loads it through the Loading Station.

5. Robot A retrieves the Ball and launches it down the Field.

6. Robot B retrieves the Ball.

* Scorekeeper records a Pass.

7. Robot B scores a Goal.

a. Scorekeeper records a Goal.

Two Passes, one Goal

It is possible to have a cycle with a Pass but no Goal. However, if the Match were to end at this moment, the Alliance would only receive points for one Pass


Generally, how many days before a competition is the Engineering Notebook required to be completed by the team members? 

At least 5 days.

Kim ALWAYS needs to turn it in digitally or update/print the hard copies before the event.


What are the starting position requirements?

1. The robot can only be contacting the Floor and the inside face of the Field Perimeter.

2. Fit within the volume of a Starting Zone

3. Be no taller than 15”


How many points will be awarded by the judges for an Engineering Notebook that records the key steps to build and program the solution, but lacks sufficient detail to recreate the solution?

Proficient (2-3 points)


What are the points awarded for clearing the Supply Zone?



What is the minimum number of Drivers required during an Autonomous Coding Skills Match?

(1) Driver is required for an Autonomous Coding Skills Match

although Teams may still have two (2) if desired.


1. Robot A retrieves a Ball from the Loading Station and launches it down the Field.

2. Robot B retrieves the Ball.

* Scorekeeper records a Pass.

3. Robot B attempts to score a Goal but misses.

4. The Ball bounces off of the Goal Wall and back into the Field.

5. Robot A retrieves the Ball and scores a Goal.

* Scorekeeper records a Goal.

One Pass, one Goal.

The Ball never left the Field, so it was not yet eligible for additional Passes.


What is expected at the end of each practice?

1. Clean Up

2. Note what was accomplished during practice in notebooks.

3. Set expectations for the next practice.


What are the steps in the TACOBOTIX Design Process?

Ask, Imagine, Design, Build,

Test, Improve, Analyze


How many points will be awarded by the judges if the Engineering Notebook provides a complete record of the team and project assignments; written in ink; notes from team meetings including goals, decisions, and accomplishments; name or initials of the author; each page numbered and dated. Design cycles are easily identified. Includes Table of Contents and/or Index so anyone can easily locate needed information.

Expert (4-5 points)


If a Ball leaves the field during the Rapid Loading Period, where must it be returned?

Balls that leave the Field during the Rapid Load Period must be returned through the Loading Station

They may not be loaded directly into a Starting Zone


What is the maximum number of Balls in play at one time?

No more than two (2) Balls may be in play at any one time

The next Ball should not be Loaded until a previous Ball is either scored or leaves the Field


How many Points are awarded for:

1 Pass

3 Cleared Switches



What is the TACOBOTIX Team Song?

"Have it All" Jason Mraz


What Non-VEX IQ components are permitted on the robot?

1. Rubber bands that are identical in length and thickness to those included in the VEX IQ.

2. 1⁄8” metal shafts from the VEX V5 product line.

3. Structural components from the VEX Robotics by HEXBUG product line.


How many points will be awarded by the judges during the Interview, if the Team shows evidence of independent inquiry from the beginning stages of their design process. This includes brainstorming, testing, and exploring alternative solutions



Balls Loaded through the Loading Station must meet what criteria?

The Loader’s hand may not cross into the volume of the Loading Station at any time. (Cannot Manipulate the Ball)

NO Robot(s) may be in the Load Zone at the time the Ball is released by the Loader.


During an Autonomous Match, where must the robot be placed each time it's handled?

Upon handling the Robot, it must be immediately brought back to Starting Zone 2.


What happens if the robot is in motion AFTER the Timeclock reaches T=0:00 and Scores?

The score will not count and the Team will receive a Violation as described below:

Violation Notes:

• Because scoring that happens after the Match is not counted, all Violations should be recorded as Minor Violations.

• If a Team receives three Minor Violations within the same event, all future Violations at that event will be considered Major Violations and Disqualifications.

• This count does not reset for any reason within an event (e.g., Qualification vs Finals Matches, one of the Team’s “dropped score” Matches, etc.)


What was the final ranking for Team #8226A at the 2024 VEX Robotics World Championship - VEX IQ Competition Middle School Event?
