How long is the Warranty for a platinum member?
extended 2 year warranty
Where do we find any troubleshooting steps?
Knowledge Base in ZD
Reveal 3.0's internal SD card reads as 5.7GB
FALSE- It reads as 5.2GB
How many buttons are on the back of the DEFEND camera?
What is the cost of an RMA repair?
$20.99 does include shipping back to cx
What should you do if the Verizon ICCID is UNKNOWN?
Post to Verizon ODI and tag Dustin and Tyler with all the information.
A bricked Reveal X is repairable.
FALSE- Gen 1 and Reveal X are unrepairable if bricked.
What are the Defend Monthly data plans and costs?
Starter $5
Intermediate $8
Pro $13
If a customer is needing a new SIM card what do we ship by?
USPS Ground Advantage/ First Class
Flashing red signal light means what?
SIM error
DEFENDS do NOT receive discounted prices for additional cameras?
Lipo pack and solar panel RMAs are processed as ship onlys?
What is the adapter size needed for external power if their external power source does not fit our cameras?
5.5x2.1mm 4.0x1.7mm
A flashing green indicator light can be corrected with formatting the SD
FALSE- FW update is the only way to resolve