This board game is also a way to apologize to someone
What is sorry?
Maze runner
In this cartoon flim, a man tries to steel something but ends up with three girls instead
Despicable Me
Medical device used to check your heart beat
What is a Stethoscope
In this Asian Flim, she goes to Singapore to meet her boyfriends family
What is Crazy Rich Asian?
This game contains these tokens: dog, cat, top hat, race car, and battleship
What was Tris original name before joining the Dauntless faction?
Beatrice Prior
In this toy movie, these characters are shown: A pink cat, Batman, and A Spaceman
This male (or non binary) sang these song titles in this sentence: I'm not the only one - dancing with a stranger. He's also way too good at goodbyes
Sam Smith
What asian chocolate has Japanese flavors that include: Dark chocolate, matcha, strawberry, raspberry, and caramel?
What are kitkats?
What board game has these on the map: peppermint, chocolate, lollipop, ice cream, and gumdrop
What is Candy Land?
What device is used to weaken the monster in this quiet movie?
In this flim, before the little girl gets kidnapped she sings Fantasy by Mariah Carey
What is Rush Hour?
What asian actress says this phrase "Maybe it's like you said. Maybe there is something out there… Something that explains why you still went looking for me through all of this noise"
Michelle Yeoh
The purpose of this game is to defend your home by planting plants.
what is Plants vs monster?
This dystopian movie became a viral challenge where people cover their eyes
Zac Efron voices the main character who tries to win the heart of Audrey with a Truffula tree.
The Lorax
This old big store has everything from appliances, clothing, tools, toys, mattresses, and many more.
Sushi originates from Japan but Poke bowl originates from where?
Where is Hawaii?
In ready player one, what is the game they are playing in?
what is Oasis
At the end of this blood thirst Dystopian movie, they reach their final destination by train and starts singing
Train to Busan
This film ends kinda like this:
. _ _ . . _ . _ . . _ . . . . . _ .
This type of Soda is a discontinued brand which is similar to sprite
Sierra Mist
What asian country speaks these languages: Tamil, Bengali, and Gujarati?
What is India?