Despite what many people may believe this is the real founder of Taekwondo
최홍희 (Choi Hong Hi)
Rock, Paper, Scissors (pick one)
If for ever second you could travel past for 1 second, how far you would travel.
You wouldn't
Where is the current president of Taekwondo club is from?
What is the highest rank (belt) in Taekwondo?
6th Dan Black Belt
Game that was played on the knees
If time travel works by bending space-time, what’s the easiest way to "travel into the future" right now?
Take a nap
Name a big number
any number greater than 1 trillion
What does Chon-Ji (천지) mean.
Heaven and Earth
pick red or black
It is red
In 1895, H.G. Wells wrote a book about a time machine. What was the name of this book?
In what year was Taekwondo officially named?
In Back to the Future, what speed does the DeLorean need to reach to time travel?
141.6 km/h (88mph)
What are the five tenets of Taekwondo?
Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, Indomitable Spirit
What is this
It's a bird
Which movie involved a hot tub that somehow became a time machine?
Hot Tub Time Machine
Sabumnim's favourite drink
cappuccino with sugar
Which one of the tkd members look like a cat?
any answer is correct
How many astronomical units sun is away from earth?
In ITF Taekwon-Do, how many total moves are there across all 24 patterns (Tul)?