Most rodents adapt to the cold in the taiga by doing this
Precipitation in the Taiga during the winter months is usually
Nam 3 type of trees that are found in the Taiga Biome
Pine, Spruce, Evergreen, and Douglas Fir
Where is the smallest Taiga Forest located
The soil in the Taiga is generally
Most birds in the Taiga use this type of adaptation
Double Jeopardy The average temperature during the winter is
Below Freezing
This coniferous tree is found in the taiga and many other places around the world
What is a pine tree
Double Jeopardy. The Taiga forests cover up most of these 3 Northern
Canada, Europe, and Asia
The pine needles are dark ikn color to attract
the sun
When animals change color to blend in
What is camouflage
For how many months does the Taiga winter last
Half a year or six months
A plant that is known for it's ability to grow in extremely cold place and on the forest floor in the Taiga
What is moss
The largest land Biome is the
Plants only grow during this season
Double Jeopardy. Animals in the Taiga can have thick fur coats and what 2 other features on their bodies for survival
feathers and large paws
The Taiga has this many seasons
Double Jeopardy. Another name for an evergreen tree
A conifer
Double Jeopardy. The Taiga is also know as what two other terms
Coniferous or Boreal Forest
Double Jeopardy. The two main reasons the Taiga forest isn threatened
fires and human activity
Double Jeopardy. What animal is an endangered species from the Siberian Taiga
Siberian Tiger
Double Jeopardy. The spring and fall in the Taiga are extremely
Double Jeopardy. The word Coniferous itself means
Needle-bearing trees.
Double Jeopardy. The Taiga is located in the _________________________________Hemispherew
Double Jeopardy. The largest Taiga forest covers most of ______________ and Siberia