Rules of Meem Saakin
Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween
Rules of Madd
Rules of Madd

What are the three rules of Meem Saakin?

The three rules of Meem Saakin are:

1. Idgham

2. Ikhfaa

3. Izhaar


What are the four rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween?

The four rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween are:

1. Izhaar

2. Ikhfaa

3. Qalb

4. Idghaam


What is the literal meaning of Madd?

المد لغة: الزيادة

It is an increase or growth


Give an example of Madd and their length:

Two Harakat



Define Idghaam Meem Saakin

If after meem saakin there appears another meem then idghaam with ghunnah will take place.


What is the literal meaning of Izhaar, Idgham, Qalb and Ikhfaa?

The literal meaning of Izhaar is to pronounce clearly and distinctly without any changes.

The literal meaning of Idgham is to merge / enter one thing into another

The literal meaning of Qalb is to change one thing into another

The literal meaning of Ikhfaa is to conceal


Define Madd according to the scholars of Tajweed?

المد اصطلاحا: إطالة الصوت بأحد حروف المد الثلاثة لوجود سبب من أسباب المد

It is the prolongation of the sound of any of the letters of Madd as a result of a cause of Madd


what is مد العوض

This type of Madd occurs when a word that ends with tanween (fathatayn ـًـ) is followed by a stop (waqf). The tanween is replaced with an alif, and the Madd is extended naturally for two harakats.


Define Ikhfaa Shafawi and Izhaar Shafawi

If after meem saakin there appears the letter baa, ikhfaa will take place 

NOTE: This is known as Ikhfaa - e - shafawee

If after meem saakin any other letter other than baa and meem appear, then izhaar will take place

NOTE: This Izhaar is known as Izhaar - e - Shafawee


Define what Izhaar and Qalb is

If after the Noon Saakin or tanween there appears any of the six letters of hurooful halqi there will be izhaar. 

If after Noon Saakin or tanween there appears the letter baa, the noon saakin or tanween will change into a meem and will be read with ghunnah


What is the proof that the Prophet (SAW) read in tajweed and applied Madd? 

Qatādah (raḥimahullāh) narrated that Anas b. Mālik (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) was asked, “How was the recitation of the Prophet ﷺ?” He replied, “It was elongated. He then recited بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ ,  elongating بسم الله,  elongating الرحمن  and elongating  الرحيم”  (Bukhārī).


What is مد تمكين

The stabilizing prolongation only takes place when the Madd letter ي is preceded by another Ya mushaddad with a kasra يِّ .


How will the following words be read? Explain whether Idghaam, Ikhfaa or Izhaar will be taking place in the following examples. 

 كَذِبًا أَم بِهِ

وَلَهُم مَّا يَشْتَهُونَ

وَكَذَّبَ ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ وَمَا 

مَآ ءَاتَيْنَٰهُمْ فَكَذَّبُو


Define what Idghaam is, explain the two different types of idghaam.

If after the noon saakin or tanween any of the letters of yarmaloon appears, idghaam will take place. 

1. In two letters, laam and raa, the idghaam will be taam (complete), and idghaam will be without ghunnah.

2. In the remaining four letters, yanmu, the idghaam will be naaqis (incomplete) and idghaam will be with ghunnah.


What are the conditions for letters of Madd?

●If the letter of Madd is Alif ا the letter before must have a Fatha sign.

●If the letter of Madd is Waaw و  the letter before must have a Dammah.

●If the Madd letter is Yaa’  ي  the letter before must have a Kasra.


What are the Huroof Muqata'aat? 

Haroof-e-Muqataat or disjointed letters combination of few letters or alphabets that appears at the start of 29 surahs of the Noble Quran.


How will the following words be read?

وَمَا صَاحِبُكُم بِمَجْنُون 

(وَاللهُ مِن وَرَائِهِم مُّحِيط)

   (أَمْ لَكُم بَرَاءَةٌ فِي الزُّبُر)

هُمْ أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُون)

         (أَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ كَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيل)


Explain which rule will take place in the following examples:

مِنْ هادٍ
صِراطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ
مِنْ مالٍ
سائغًا للشاربين


What are the two types of Madd and their definition?

 Madd Faree occurs as a result of specific conditions, such as the presence of a hamzah or Sukoon, and its length can vary depending on the context, ranging from two to six movements (Harakat).: المد الفرعي

 Madd Asli/Tabee is the natural extension of the vowel sound that is fixed and always lasts for two movements (Harakat).:  المد الأصلي


What does Kilmi, Harfi, Mukhaffaf and Muthaqqal mean? 

Kilmi = word

Harfi = Letter

Mukhaffaf = light (i.e sukoon)

Muthaqqal = heavy (i.e tashdeed) 
