This member had an allergic reaction to an oil. Can I refund her?
Adverse Reactions
Hakuna Matata
Lion King
What has 13 hearts but no organs?
A deck of cards
How long is the memory of a goldfish?
Up to 5 months
This team member has broken all of their fingers.
Kylee Ciriako
This member can't verify their account correctly but can verify the email. What can we do?
Account Security
A dream is a wish your heart makes
What connects 2 people but only touches one?
A wedding ring
How old is the world's oldest piece of chewing gum?
9000 years
This team member's eyes change color
Stacy Wilk
This member is concerned that her oil says it causes cancer. What should I do?
Prop 65 Warnings (US)
Second star to the right and straight on til morning
Peter Pan
A one-seeded fruit I may be, but all of your calendars are full of me. What am I?
Where was the fortune cookie invented?
This team member has been bit by a monkey and when they were 5 they had 150lb weights fall on their foot and crushed the growth plate in their fourth toe
Shanalee Giles.
This member emailed into puzhen and hasn't heard back. What should I do?
I've got a jar of dirt
Three eyes have I, all in a row: when the red one opens, no one can go. What am I
A traffic light
What animal is known to kill more people than plane crashes?
This team member has danced on broadway and is afraid of bald people.
Ciara Hicken
How do I walk a member through how to make a sponsor change request on their Back Office?
Enroller and Sponsor Change
The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of them all
A king, queen, and two twins all lay in a large room, yet there are no adults or children in the room. How is that possible?
How many pieces of wood make up a violin?
This team member broke their collarbone 3 days before going to Cancun riding a motor scooter with their arms crossed.
Kaitlin Miller