How do you process a 90% refund?
CRM - Partial, 90% and AR Refunds
Rift raft, street rat, I don't buy that
What is the tiny plastic covering of the tip of a shoelace called?
An aglet
What do you give to others but still try and keep?
A promise
This team member is an author and their book is their life's work.
Can essential oils evaporate when in a closed bottle?
Essential Oil FAQs
The past can hurt
Lion King
What is the smallest bone in the human body?
The ear
What question can you never honestly say yes to?
Are you asleep?
This team member has had 8 surgeries. 5 of them were due to a misdiagnosis. They have also been to the Caribbean twice.
How do I push out the LRP on Datatrax?
DataTrax - LRP Template
And when I promise something, I never ever break that promise. Ever.
How long (measurements) is a baby kangaroo when it is born?
1 inch
What does everyone need, want, and ask for but never take?
This team member has traveled to 13 different countries and is right handed but play basketball left handed.
What is a performance pool?
Performance Pools
They say if you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true
Snow White
In what state is it illegal to put ice cream in your back pocket?
They are dark and on the run, without sun there will be none. What are they?
This person has been in 5 musicals and played trombone in a jazz band for 4 years
What is Mike's Philosophy?
Exception Philosophy
The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up
The empire state building is composed of how many bricks?
10 Million
You can hear me and control me, but never see me or touch me. What am I?
Your voice
This team member had three surgeries and cracked their head open