Earth History
Atomic Structure
Periodic Table
Physical and Chemical Change
What law states that in undisturbed layers of rock, the oldest layers will be deeper than the younger layers.

Law of Superposition


Name 1)the smallest particle of matter and 2)name the 3 parts AND 3)give the charges for each...Yes, all that for 100 points..

Atom: protons, neutrons, electrons


What are the vertical columns on the Periodic Table and name 1 thing element in that column have in common.

Groups/Families all share the same number of valence electrons and react similarly.


When the nature of a substance changes, but the particles themselves stay the same.

Example: Ice melting

Physical change


What does evolution mean?

To change gradually over time


If T-Rex fossils were found at 50m below the surface, and Pterodactyl fossils found at 100m below, which is oldest, and according to what law?

Pterodactyl/ Law of Superposition


What is the purest substance that cannot be separated into a simpler substance



What are the horizontal rows on the Periodic Table and what do members of each row have in common?

Periods. Elements in the same period have the same number of energy levels.


When the properties of the new substance are completely different and the particles are different too.

Example:  Baking a cake

Chemical change


What is the record of Earth's history categorized by major events?

Geologic Time Scale


Name the two different dating methods and tell the main difference between the two.

Absolute dating gives the exact numeric age; Relative dating gives the age in relation to something else 


Name a common compound and give the formula. 

Water - H2O

Glucose - C6H12O6

Carbon Dioxide - CO2

Nitrates - NO3


Which Group is the MOST reactive of all?  With which group do they readily bond?

Alkali metals.  They readily react with the Halogens.

If, after combining two clear liquids, solid matter forms, what is this solid matter called?

Hint:  You would think we were talking about the Water Cycle if you didn't know any better...

A precipitate is formed


Why do most organism go extinct?

Because the environment changes and they cannot adapt to the changes.


Radioactive dating using the Carbon-14 method gives an exact age of a sample.  This is an example of which type of dating?

Absolute dating


What part of the atom determines its reactivity?

Be specific!

The valence electrons

What is the MAGIC NUMBER of valence electrons for a stable atom? Which Group/Family already has the MAGIC NUMBER?

8 - Noble Gases already have the MAGIC NUMBER


Name 2 examples of physical changes

Shredding/tearing paper, freezing, dissolving, boiling, melting wax, etc.


Who is the man that gave us the Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection?

Charles Darwin

State the Theory of Continental Drift and give one piece of evidence that it occurred.

The idea that all of the continents were once combined in one land mass and broke apart. Evidence could be:

Continents fit like puzzle pieces, Identical fossils found on different continents, Identical rock sequence (geology), Ancient climate (example tropical fossils found on Antarctica)


How can you calculate the number of neutrons in an atom of an element?

Atomic mass # - Atomic # = # Neutrons


Beginning with the Alkali Metals and moving right to the Noble Gases, describe how reactivity changes to the best of your ability.  Talk it out as a team.

Answers will vary but basically...

From far left...Alkali Metals- highly reactive, then 

Alkaline Earth Metals - less reactive, then 

Transition - Poor Metals - Metalloids - somewhat reactive, then

Halogens - Highly reactive nonmetals, and lastly

Noble Gases - Do not react at all


Name 2 examples of chemical changes

iron rusting, burning coal, baking a cake, mixing vinegar and baking soda, cooking an egg, etc.


What is meant by the phrase "Survival of the Fittest"?

Only the strong survive!  Those organisms that can survive live long enough to reproduce and pass their traits on to the next generation.  
