Getting Ready
Taking the Test
Types of Questions
Test Anxiety
Academic Honesty and Misconduct

Sleeping late and not studying a good way to prepare for your test/exam? True or False?

False is good to review your notes or do practice questions the day before your test/exam


How many test taking tips are there that apply to any test situation?

There's 8 testing tips

Write your name 

Look over the whole test and stay calm 

Make the best use of your time 

Jot down idea starters before the test 

Answer the easy questions first

If you feel yourself starting to panic or go blank, stop whatever you are doing 

Try to answer each question, even if only in parts

If you finish early, don’t leave immediately


What should you do if you are confused in a question?

Place a check in the margin and move on to the next question.


Shaking, sweating, or muscle cramps are symptoms of test anxiety? True  or False? 



Define plagiarism

 Is taking another person's work or ideas and presenting them as your own


Strategies that'll help prepare you physically are...

Maintaining your regular sleep routine, following your regular exercise program and eating right.


Answering the hardest questions first is a good way of using your time? True or False?

False because is faster to answer the easy questions first


What kind of questions do essay exams include?

Questions that require students to write a sentence or paragraphs in response to the questions.


What are the 5 strategies that help with test anxiety

Breathing, Stretching, Having a good posture, Creating positive mental notes, and keeping your confidence high


In written reports and papers, you should never give credit  when you use another person's ideas or theories. True or False?



Why is properly preparing for your test important in college?

Test are usually a major portion of your grade


In college, your first year tests are likely to be more challenging than those in later years because...

As a new student you are developing your college test taking skills.


How are matching questions set up?

With terms in one column and descriptions in the other column.


Going blank during the exam and being unable to remember the information is a symptom of test anxiety? True or False?



What is the main reason students cheat?

They believe they cannot do well on their own


Your lectured notes, assigned readings and homework, are all apart of ___ for tests?



Why is it advised not to submit your test even if you finished?

It is advised because you can review your answers for mistakes


Fill-in-the blank questions consist of...

A phrase, sentence, or paragraph with a blank space indicating where you should provide the missing words.


List the 4 reasons test anxiety occurs according to the article?

Pressure from yourself, pressure from others, lack of preparation and negative past experience 


What are the consequences of cheating?

A failing grade, suspension, or even expulsion


Designing an exam plan, joining a study group, or getting a tutor are all a way to what?

They are additional ways to help you prepare for your test/exam


If you feel yourself starting to panic what should you do?

Stop whatever you are doing, take a deep breath and remind yourself you are okay.


Going over the whole exam and noting the questions that are the easiest for you is an example of what strategy?

Budgeting your time


If you have severe test anxiety that you become physically ill what should you do?

You should consult your physician or visit your campus health center.


What are the 6 steps you can take to reduce the problem with academic honesty?

Know the rules, set clear boundaries, improve time management, seek help, withdraw from the course, reexamine goals.
