T or F
Employers read your entire resume.
What is False
T or F
I can go to the Application workshop only once
What is False, you can come anytime that you need to apply for jobs or need help in locating jobs.
2 Topics discussed in the FOC Workshop?
What is Budgeting, Banking, Savings or Credit.
What is the purpose of orientation?
When are support services available to a student?
What is after student has attended first day of class.
T or F
You should have only one resume when applying for jobs.
What is F
How many applications are you supposed to try and complete in the application workshop?
What is 10?
What is the FOC coach name
What four papers are filled out at the beginning of orientation?
What is the IEP, student agreement, support services agreement and envelope?
T or F
We will give every support service option listed if you ask.
What is False.
Do you have an assigned career counselor?
What is No.
If you have a job, you don't have to attend the application workshop?
What is false.
T or F
The FOC occurs every Monday @ 1
What is False
T or F
Orientation is optional
What is false.
How do you request support services?
What is send group email to Takoda Institute.
What is the end goal after completing training?
What is finding employment
What is the reasoning behind the application workshop?
What is to see if you can properly search for jobs and have an updated correct resume to apply.
How do I meet with the Financial Coach?
What is I email him or talk to him directly for an appointment.
How does the Human Bingo game help you find a job?
What is networking and practicing speaking about yourself.
T or F
Johnny missed two weeks of support service, on the third week he is entitled to three weeks of support services?
What is false, supports services cannot be given retro actively.
Who needs an objective on their resume?
What is anyone changing a job field, recently out of jail, newly graduated, long-term unemployed and/or never employed
What two sites are you required to have your profile on?
What is Indeed and Government Jobs.
What is the purpose of the FOC Workshop?
What is to ensure that once employed that you have financial knowledge and budgeting skills and a bank account.
What's Takoda Insitute Directors name?
What is Kimberly Ben-Haim
What is the support service award for obtaining a job? Bonus 100 pts if you can name what documents you have to show receive the award.
What is $100
Proof of employment via check stub.