In's & Out's of ILP
Internet Safety
Foster Care Bill of Rights
Transitioning out of Foster Care

What does ILP stand for? 

What is Independent Living Placement. 


The Internet gives us access to many resources we couldn't otherwise come in contact with.  

What is True it gives us instant access to things that are far away, things that are locked away, things that are locked away, things that even don't really exist yet.  It's a travel agent, a museum guide, and a party with friends from other continents!


Can youth ride a four-wheeler or a boat?

Yes, as long as they wear the appropriate safety gear (helmets, life jacket, etc.)


How often do you see your case worker while on an ILP ?

What is 2 Times per month 


What day is Star Wars Day?

May 4th 


Name the apartment complex that offers set aside apartments for foster youth transitioning into ILP or out of foster care. 

What is Startup Crossing.  


Information on the internet can always be trusted to be factual. It wouldn't be online if it wasn't true. 

What is False The internet is an open forum for anyone and everyone. Bias is the rule rather than the exception, Evaluate carefully all information on websites, personal or public. 


Youth in foster care have a right to pack their belongings in a ______ if moved from a placement.

suitcase or luggage 


How many Aftercare Coordinators are there in the state? 

What is 5


This dance came from what game and is called what? 

Fortnite and floss

How much on average should you have in savings before you and your caseworker look at you moving into an ILP placement? 

What is 1500 to 2000 dollars. 


Anything i send in my private email, IM or chat cannot be seen by others.  

What is false There are people, and programs which can "see" into your private correspondence online. NEVER send personal information unless you are positive it is secure site. 


Who can be present for court hearings?

You!! You have the right to be present for every court hearing. Sometimes this might depend on your progress in school. 


Name at least 2 items that Aftercare can help you with. 

What is Rent, Utilities, Cell Phone, Car Insurance, Food, Work Clothes, Laptop for school up 500$ towards it, Drivers license, etc. 


Name 3 National Parks.

Zion, Bryce, Kolob, Cedar Breaks, Arches, Canyonlands, etc.


How do you get your reimbursement for your ILP placement?

What is you have a home visit with your case worker at the beginning of the month and sing the payment form that is sent to you the previous month.  If that payment form is not signed then you do not get your reimbursement you are not guaranteed to get your reimbursement if you don't do what your supposed to in your expectations. 


I can always trust Emails and attachments I get from Friends? 

What is False New Programs and viruses send out emails to everyone in your inbox without their knowledge or consent.  Verify it is in fact from your friend first. 


Have access to what two documents before aging out of care?

social security card and birth certificate


What must you do in order to get services with after care coordinators. 

What is call the coordinator and ask for help, and provide the necessary documentation, receipts and work with them in any way they request. 


Who is the half-blood prince in Harry Potter?

Severus Snape.


How long can you as a foster youth be in an ILP placement? Can you be put brought back into a foster home if your ILP placement does not work out? Can the time frame in an ILP placement be extended if needed?

What is 3 to 6 months

What is yes you can

What is yes it can 


People who look for children to Harm often don't get caught until they have hurt over 30 children.  

What is True Most online predators aren't caught until they've terrorized or harmed at least this many children. 


Who wrote the Foster Care Bill of Rights?

Youth! Youth participating in State Youth Council helped write this. 


What is the amount of aftercare funds that are available to you if you qualify for them, and how often is that is available to you? 

What is up to 2000.00 dollars per calendar year. 


Which Avenger other than Captain America was able to pick up Thor’s Mjolnir in the Marvel movies?

