Where did Peter get Dribble? How?
He won it at Jimmy Fargo's birthday party. He guessed the number of jellybeans in the jar.
What does Peter name his new pet? and why?
Turtle, to help him remember his first pet.
How many chapters are there in the book?
Who is Fang?
Fudge. That is what Peter called him when his two front teeth got knocked out.
How many friends came to Fudge's birthday? What 'naughty' habits did each have?
3 friends --- the biter, crier and eater
Who is the character that Peter and Jimmy don't like very much?
What is Fudge's favourite food?
Lamb chops
Tell the two places Peter, Fudge, and their Dad go when Peter's mom goes out of town to visit her sister? What happens in each place?
They go to the movies (Fudge disappears) and to work with Peter's Dad (Fudge gets in a commercial).
Who is the author of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing?
Judy Blume
How does Fudge fall from the playground? What injuries does he get?
Fudge tries to act like a bird and fly. He gets scrapes and loses his front two teeth.