Who is the main character in the book?
Peter Hatcher
What is the setting for this novel?
New York City
What did Fudge lose at the park?
His two front teeth
How old was Fudge at the end of the book?
Which character is Peter Hatcher's best friend?
Jimmy Fargo
Who is the narrator of the story? (Whose point of view do we read about?)
Peter Hatcher
What did Mr. Hatcher say and do to Fudge when he refused to eat?
He said "Eat it or wear it."
Then he dumped Fudge's cereal on his head.
What is the name of the elevator operator?
Which character hand wrote the entire poster board about transportation?
Sheila Tubman
What is the main conflict throughout the story?
Fudge makes Peter miserable.
Fudge was an actor in a commercial. What was the commercial for?
What does Mr. Hatcher do for work?
He makes commercials and advertisements.
Who did Peter win at Jimmy Fargo's birthday party?
Dribble the turtle
What is the climax, or main event of the novel?
Fudge eats Dribble.
What does Peter do every Saturday morning?
He cleans Dribble's bowl.
What does Mrs. Yarby give Peter as a present?
A picture dictionary
Who is the owner of Juicy-O
Mr. Yarby
Which part of the narrative pyramid is this:
The reader is introduced to the Hatcher family and is given information about them.
Elaborative Detail
How did Jennie cause trouble at Fudge's birthday party?
By biting
Why does Peter feel like a Fourth Grade Nothing?
He feels like nobody pays any attention to him. Fudge is always the centre of attention and can get away with almost anything and Peter doesn't think that it is fair.