Comprehension Ch 7
Comprehension Ch 8
Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Chapter 5 & 6
Why did Sheila, Jimmy and Peter meet so often?
They were doing a project on Transportation together for school.
Why did Mr Hatcher need to take care of Fudge and Peter for the weekend?
Mrs Hatcher was going to Boston because her sister had a baby girl.

A cold blooded animal.

What is a reptile?


This word means to let your breath out in a long, noisy way. You might do it when you feel upset or annoyed.

What is "sigh".


Who are the two doctors Fudge see in the book? 

Dr. Cone, a medical doctor and Dr. Brown, a dentist.

Name the two naughty things that Fudge did in Chapter 7.
He drew all over Peter's poster. He cut his hair into Dribble's bowl.

There were 50 children waiting to try out the commercial. Why do you think Fudge was picked? 

Mr. Vincent thought he was a child actor and really wanted him in the commercial. 

Peter's poster is completely destroyed by Fudge. What vocabulary word means "completely destroyed."
What is "ruined."

A passage way between rows.

What is an aisle?


Why did Peter think Saturday was the best day of the week?

Because every Saturday morning he cleaned Dribble's bowl. 


What did Sheila do that made Jimmy and Peter angry? And what problems did they have?

Sheila complained that she had the worst group ever. Sheila did 10 pages of writing, but Peter and Jimmy only did 5 each. Sheila wrote, "Handwritten by Miss Sheila Tubman" on the booklet cover. Sheila was bossy. They argued about a solution to improve transportation in the city.

Name two reasons Peter gives Mr Vincent for why Fudge should NOT be in the Toddle-Bike commercial?
His front top teeth are missing. He cut his hair off two months ago. He can't talk in long sentences yet.

What is beckoned mean?

To make a gesture with the hand to get someone to come near. 


Examples of ___________ are planes, trains, buses, subways, and cars. 

What is transportation?


Peter's Mom took the boys to Hamburger Heaven to eat. What did Fudge when he didn't want to eat?

Fudge dumped the peas on his head and said, Eat it or Wear it!"


What did Peter get for his room at the end of Chapter 7 and why?

He got a latch on the door to keep Fudge out.


How does Peter help get Fudge to ride the Toddle-Bike?

He gets on and rides around. Fudge wants to be just like his brother.


What is a gas that is lighter than air? 


Explain "to remind."
It means to make someone remember something that they need to do.

How did Peter, his Mom and Grandma feel about Fudge's birthday party? 

They said the party was stressful and didn't go as planned. 

Why did Peter's mother spank Fudge?
She spanked him because he drew all over the group's poster for school.

How do you think Peter felt when Fudge was chosen to be the star in the commercial and why?

He felt jealous.


A person who shows someone to their seat, like at a wedding. 

What is an usher?


 What are feeling when you are feeling self-conscious distress?



Use details from the book to describe how Peter cleans Dribble's bowl. Use transition words like first, next, last..

First he puts Dribble in the bathtub. Next, he removes and washes the rocks and then scrubs the bowl. After that, he puts the rocks back and fills it with water. Last, he puts Dribble back in the bowl and feeds him. 
