This many PCs have travelled with the Midnight Runners
Aamon, Eri, Trax, Earl, Will, Savine, Sterling, Hank, Maddock, Carsymini
This competent dwarf has had quite enough of The Midnight Runners
This type of monster livs in the sewer, drinks blood, and kidnaps paladins
This giant monster slayer stumbled upon a gnoll encampment
Hank Boro
The "Bottlecap" system is inspired by this gaming group
The Glass Cannon Network/Podcast
When a spellcaster wishes to cast a spell without the use of a spellslot, they can use their own blood as the fuel. They take this amount of damage per spell level.
This Gnome can fly, heal, steer and scold
These flying, needle-shooting lions assaulted us on our way to the menagerie
This psuedodragon, although familiar, is not a real dragon
These two actors cast as Midnight Runners have played members of the X-Men in movies
Nicholas Hoult and James McAvoy
These two goofy mercenaries were the first faces the Midnight Runners saw on their interdimensional travels
Callum and Galant
This powerful healer restored Aamons memories and revived Sterling
Three of these creatures fell to the Midnight Runners in the final round of arena combat in Tenhault
Maddock Azzagrat was an unusual blend of these two races
Tiefling and yuan-ti
This TV-show is by far the most represented in "memes-and-media"
Buffy the vampire slayer
This gods domains include Life and Death
The Veiled Lady
This childs disappearance is the very reason the Midnight Runners joined up in the first place
Akua Mirembe
These creepy crawly critters can sense your vibrations and gets inside your clothes
Meera Archland studied this style of martial arts at her temple
(Her monk subclass)
Way of the open hand
"Mozzie" is real world australian slang for this
This person won the very first battle in The Arena, and is now Master of Ceremonies of The Royale Battles.
Sir Alphonse
This Dragonborn Servant nearly went down in one turn against Trax
Servant of Eternity
Name any named dragon
Augurtin, Printenenoxur, Cennanth, Arthunis
This part of Earl Bigtoe had a distinct color
Tooth (red)
Isak has cobbled together Arlon with inspiration from many sources. Name one Web-novel he has taken inspiration from
Practical Guide to Evil, Mother of Learning, The Wandering Inn