Who is both Heracles' father and great-grandfather?
Which monster has grows back multiple heads after the first is chopped off?
The hydra
Which hero killed his tutor by accident as a child?
Which Goddess is Known as "the Immortal Lady of Beauty and Love"?
What does 'Cronos' mean?
Who stole his brother's, Apollo, sacred cattle?
What happened to Cerebus when he came into the light of the sun>
The foam from his mouth grew into a poisonous flower
Which hero was killed when he sat beneath his own ship?
Why was Heracles left behind by the Argonauts
He was searching for his squire who had been stolen by nymphs
Who was Dionysus's mother?
Why was Andromeda chained to a rock?
As sacrifice to a sea monster that was destroying cities
Who was chained to a rock after giving man fire?
Which Goddess did Jason help cross the river when she was disguised as an old woman?
How is Prometheus immortalized?
Mankind wears rings in his honor
What form did Zeus appear as in front of Princess Europa?
A White Bull
What happened to Heracles during his battle with Cacus?
He was burned and choking from Cacus's fiery breath
What three gifts did the nymphs give to Perseus?
Shoes of Swiftness, magic wallet, Cap of Hades
Who replaced Alcestis with a coils of snakes after her marriage to Admetus?
How did Medea kill Glauce?
By cursing her wedding dress to burn her
Who is Herme's son?
What was the name of the inn-keeper who would force travelers to fit his beds no matter what?
Which member of the Argonaunts descended to the underworld to retrieve his wife?
Who did Hera send to put Zeus to sleep?
Circe the Enchantress