Give me one brother of Ali ibn Abi talib
I’ll decide
How many children
Name one of Ibrahim wives
What is Isra wal Miraj
The time when the prophet ﷺ went to Jannah
what does baqarah mean
Why is Abu hurayrah called dat
When he sent a leader to this king, he tore the letter. Which nation was this
he was born when he shouldn’t have physically been
What’s a Kunya
Your nickname for Abu
Read this surah with 30 ayat before you sleep
What’s Abu bakr real name
Abdullah ibn Abi quhafah
When the prophet ﷺ went to Taif, he met a young boy. He asked for the young boys name and he responded with the name of one of the prophets.
Who was the rich evil man during Musa time
Why do we do safa and marwa in hajj
Wife of Ibrahim Hajer
What’s abrogation (naskh) in Quran
It’s when Allah reveals an Ayah/removes an ayah
Which sahabi was the one who gave his entire meadow of palm trees for 1 (for Jannah)
Abu Dahdah
who are the two that come after Abdul muttalib
Hashim abd manif
Occupation that All the prophets held at one point in time
They were all Shepards
What did the prophet ﷺ say about the one who leans on his land hand
“Do you sit like the one whom Allah anger is upon”
The only sahabi stated in the Quran
Zayd ibn haritha
Name 2 of the 3 MAIN Generals of غزوة مؤتة
Zayd ibn Haritha
Jafar ibn Abi Talib
Abdullah ibn Rawaha
The prophet ﷺ said that Abu Lahab punishment was reduced (super barely) on Monday, why?
One of the slaves of Abu lahab gave him the news of the prophet ﷺ birth, so he freed her
This prophet was sent to the companions of the wood because they worshipped a tree
What is the first thing the prophet ﷺ said that made Abdullah ibn Salam convinced
To feed the poor and to make Salam
Who’s the blind man that Allah revealed surah Abasa for
Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum