Who Spoke?
Words of Jesus
Her Dangerous Lips
Lips Mouth Tongue
Easy Peasy

Jesus Remember me when you enter your Kingdom?

Who is the thief on the cross


Fill in the blank: Jesus said in Matthew 12: 36 "But I say unto that every idle ___ that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of _________.

What is word and what is judgement?


Who famously uttered these words?

"Curse God and die?"

Who is Job's wife?

Death and Life are in the Power of the tongue. This verse is found in which book written by Solomon?

What is the book of Proverbs?


This person damages relationships with gossip.

A froward man soweth strife and a ______ seperateth chief friends?

Hint: When you play Chinese telephone

What is a whisperer?


"Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me?" 

Blind Bartimaeus or The Blind Man or the Blind Beggar


Jesus says "if you abide in me and my what abides in you,  ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.

What is words? (Word also is acceptable)


What a hairy situation! By this mother's influence, he tricked his father and had to flee, separating from his parents and twin for several years. 

Who is Rebecca?


Fill in the blanks: A _____ answer turneth away ______ but grievous ______ stir up anger?

What is soft, wrath and words?


James admonishes to be quick to what, slow to what and slow to what?

Quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry.


"I know not am I my brother's keeper?"


Adam's and Eve's son, brother of Abel


When Jesus offered to come to his house to heal his servant, he said "speak the word only and my servant shall be healed. 

Who is the Roman centurion?


When her husband was away she said to this Hebrew servant "Lie with Me"

Who is Potiphar's wife?


The Psalmist warns in Proverbs 18:6: 

A fools lip's enter into contention and his mouth calleth for what?

What are strokes?


The psalmist prays asking God to let these and this of his heart be acceptable in God's sight.

The words of my mouth and the meditation


Name the New Testament book.

"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear"

Clue: it's just before the book written by the brother of Jesus

What is Hebrews


Master we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing nevertheless at thy word I will let down the ......

What item did this disciple let down?

What is net? (Fishing net is also accepted).


Which woman in the Old Testament "pressed him daily with her words"? Clue: in listening to her it cost him his strength and his sight?

Who is Delilah?


What are the two type of tongues mentioned in Proverbs 15: 4 and what is mentioned about each?

What is the soothing tongue and the perverse tongue?

What is "tree of life" (soothing tongue) and "crushes spirit" (perverse tongue)


God wants us to season our speech with what? 

What is salt?

Your answer includes the 4 characters this verse is about.

".... we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning, fiery......"

Who are Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego and Nebuchadnezzar (King)?


He cried with a loud voice these three words and this man came out walking from his grave? 

What is "Lazarus come forth?"


Her wicked words of influence on her husband led to great idolatry in Israel. She sent a threat that sent a prophet running. Right till her overthrow she was unrepentant. 

Who is Jezebel?


It is an unruly evil full of deadly poison. There with 

Grab your physical bible. You run up and number and fully quote these 2 verses from James 3.

James 3 verse 8-9. 

Judges confirm


True or False: When our brother sins against us we must talk about it openly on social media? 

In your own words according to  Matthew 8:15 how God wants us to respond. 


We must go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone. 
