PEP stands for...
what is Performance Excellence Process?
You can electronically sign using this new application
What is DocuSign?
How many countries are represented in our student body?
What is 142 countries
Hubert Library
The location to purchase crack cookies.
What is the Breezeway Cafe?
ePAF automated and streamlined this many documents.
What is 9?
This type of authentication is required for FIU applications.
What is Two Factor Authentication (2-FA)?
This Panther was the lead actor in NBC's Law & Order SVU.
Who is Danny Pino?
Green Library
The annual Walk on Water race held by what school.
What is the School of Architecture?
Having PS issues, clear your ______ and ________ and try again.
What are Cache and Cookies?
Make sure you read the updates and memes in the group chat on this application
What is Whats App
This Panther served as an expert witness in the Casey Anthony trial.
Who is Provost Kenneth Furton?
What is the Paul Cejas Architecture building?
The first FIU President.
Who is Charles Perry?
These are the 2 recommended browsers for using PantherSoft.
What is Firefox Mozilla or Google Chrome?
Screen sharing meetings with unexpected guests on this platform
What is Zoom
NEE stands for...
What is New Employee Experience?
Week of Welcome
If you step on this, you have to walk backward 4 times or else you won't graduate on time
What is the FIU seal (at the entrance of Graham Center)?
PUM stands for...
What is PeopleSoft Update Manager
We use this to network and now to learn.
What is LinkedIn Learning
Which year did the POD Market change the crack cookies recipe?
What is 2017
What is the Ziff Education Building?
FIU was established in this year
What is 1965