Before the Test
True or False
Test Tips
Test Stratigies

Why is important to get a good nights rest before the test?

Your body and brain will perform at peak level. A tired brain is a foggy brain. 


True or False: You have prepared all year for the GSA?

True. The GSA covers everything you have learned throughout the year. You have been preparing with iReady. 


How should you go into the test?

Relax and proceed with CONFIDENCE! You have been preparing all year, be confident in YOUR ability! 


What do you do with multiple choice questions?

Read all of the possible answers. Elimate the 2 you know are not correct. Go with your gut if you are unsure of the correct answer. 


What can you do the night before the GSA test day?

Plan time to relax, read a book, write in a journal, or talk to your family. Remember, YOU ARE READY! 


True or False: Your attitude can affect how you perform on the test?

True. Your attitude, positive or negative, can alter how you think and feel towards a task. 

How can you complete the test without stressing over every question?

Pace yourself. Don't rush and Flag questions you don't know or understand and continue working. 


What should you do if you come to a difficult question? 

Skip the question and come back to it at the end. Don't spend too much time on the hard question and get frustration. 


What should you wear the day of the test?

Comfortable clothes and layers. You don't want to be distracted because you are uncomfortable, too cold, or too hot. 


True or False: You should answer the questions as fast as you can to finish first. 

False. This is not a race. Take your time and read through each question/answer carefully. 

What can you do when you start to feel nervous?

Deep breathing, stretches, positive affirmations, focus on the task in front of you, etc. 


What do you do first with questions with long reading passages?

Read the questions first, this will help you look for the answers as your read. 


How long before bed should you turn off your electronics?

3-4 hours is ideal. But electronics should be turned off at least one hour before bed. This will help your brain start to do what it needs to to prepare your body to sleep. 


True or False: You should look for patterns in multiple choice answers.



What are some ways to can wake up your brain during the test?

Stretching, massaging your eyebrow, peppermint candy keeps you alert, etc


What can help you during the test to find the best answers?

Reading carefully and Using scrape paper to write notes or work through math problems. 

What is the best breakfast to eat the day of the test?

Oats, eggs, bacon, ham, pancakes, waffles, smoothie, healthy cereal, fruit, etc. Items that are full of nutrition and protein. Non-sugary items. Sugary foods cause an spike in sugar that will drop during the test and make you feel tired and hungry. 


True or False: You should use all the information given in a question to find the answer? 

False. You want to look for key information that is important and can give clues to the answer. 


What should you do when negative thoughts start to pop up?

Replace those thoughts with positive ones. Say your affirmations: I am smart. I am prepared. The test does not define me. etc...


When you have finished the test, what should you do next?

Go back and check your answers
