50% of 100 =?
List 4 forces of Flight:
Lift, Thrust, Gravity, and Drag.
What are the primary colours?
Red, Yellow, and Blue
Where the global or national issue that you chose for the social studies assignment is happening, or who else does it affect?
Ex: My national issue is the fires in Australia, it is happening in Australia, and the people and animals live in the area around the fires got the fires affecting.
70% of 70 =?
Name 5 planets that are in our solar system.
Here are the 9 planets in our solar system are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Purple, Orange, and Green
Give two examples of Global issue:
Climate change, Nuclear weapons/weapons of mass destruction, Poverty, Garbage in the oceans, Human trafficking, Gender equality, Disease, Access to drinking clean water, and etc.
Convert 1/2 to decimal form.
1/2= 0.5
The Earth is rotating and spinning around another planet.
Yes / No?
Yes, it is spinning around the sun.
Name 2 of the elements of design:
Balance, Emphasis, Movement, Space, Proportion, Pattern, Unity, Variety, Contrast, Rythem, Form, Shape, and Repetition.
Give two examples of national issues:
Fires in Australia, Drought in India, Religious Conflict in Nigeria, Syrian War & Refugees, Construction over Indigenous land, Rohingya refugees, Attawapiskat housing crisis.
Convert 150 to a fraction.
(Hint: It's an improper fraction!)
150= 3/2
The moon has its light, not reflecting from others!
Yes / No?
No, it is bright because the sun reflects on it so it will have some light.
If I don't have a colour, but I need that colour, how can I have this colour?
A) Mix colours to make a new colour.
B) Mix 2 same colours together to make a new colour.
C) Mix all the colours that you have to make a colour that you need.
A), mix colours to make a new colour.
Say 3 things about what you see in this picture:
1. There is a very big fire in this forest.
2. There is a firefighter is trying to extinguish the fire.
3. There is a koala on the tree, I think the fire is going to burn that koala down and kill the koala.
Convert 3/31 to a percentage.
3/31= 10% (9.677%)
Come up with one method that can memorize the orders of the size of the planets. Also, tell what is the correct order?
Order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
1 method: To comes up with one sentence that stands for the planets, for example, M, V, E, M, J, S, U, N, P.
So, a sentence for that can be: My very easy method just set up nine planets.
Name 3 tertiary colours:
Red-orange, Yellow-orange, Yellow-green, Blue-green, Blue-violet, and Red-violet.
Come up with 3 different ways that help the global or national issue that you chose for the social studies assignment.
Ex: The national issue that I chose is the fires in Australia.
1. To buy Koala's March (That will donate some money to the fires)
2. To donate money straight to the fires.
3. To fly to Australia and have a trip there. (This can help them because when you get there you will pay them the money that your hotel, your meals, and your traffic, that will help their economy.)