What does Birkat Kohanim mean?
Blessing by the kohanim
What is Pesach sheni?
Pesach sheni is when someone couldn't do the Passover offering before, would do the mitzvah then
In Parsha Vayeitzei, what does Yaakov dream about when he rests?
Yaakov dreams about a ladder, he sees Malachim going up and other angels going down the ladder
Who put the Mishkan together?
Someone who separates themselves
Who are the Nesiim?
The 12 tribe leaders
What is first, Pesach or the Census?
What's the longest parsha in the Torah?
Parshat Naso
Why is the Mishkan so important?
It's how they connected to G-d
Who can become a Nazir?
A man or women can become a Nazir
What is a census?
What's the date of Pesach?
15th of Nissan
To protect Yaakov on his trip
Why were the Nesiim so quick to dedicate to the Mishkan?
Last time they gave nothing when Moshe asked for donations, last time they thought it was all about the Mishkan, it is really about themselves
What food can a Nazir not eat?
Grapes, raisins, anything infused with it
What did the Kohanim do in the Mishkan?
Lighting the menorah, blessing the people, etc
What's the date of Pesach sheni?
14 Iyar
In Parsha Toldot, how long were Rivka and Yitzchak married for?
For 20 years
Name 2 things the Nesiim brought to the Mishkan with the shekel value
Silver platter (130 shekels), and silver bowl (70 shekels)
What drinks can a Nazir not drink?
Wine, any type of alcohol or beer, grape juice, or mixtures of alcohol (cocktails)
What were all the materials used in the Mishkan?
True or False: You can miss the Passover offering and wait for Pesach sheni for no reason.
In Parsha Toldot, who are Rivka and Yitzchak's 2 kids names, and who's the first born?
Esav (older) and Yaakov (younger)
Who gave instructions to the Mishkan?
Hashem to Moshe, to Mount Sinai
What is the minimum time someone can become a Nazir?
30 days