What is the name of Rapunzel’s evil stepmother?
Mother Gothel
Who is Rapunzel’s love interest?
Flynn Rider
What is the name of the horse?
What is the name of the song Mother Gothel sings about the dangers of the world?
Mother Knows Best
“I have magic hair that glows when I sing”
What is the name of Rapunzel’s pet cameleon?
What “weapon” does Rapunzel use?
What is Flynn Rider’s real name?
What is the song Rapunzel sings while waiting up in her tower/while she paints, cooks, etc.?
When Will My Life Begin
“Let’s just assume everyone in this room doesn’t like me”
Flynn Rider
Who are the twin brothers who are after the crown?
Sideburns and Patchy Stabbington
How does Rapunzel’s hair light up?
Singing a song
What prized possession are the Stabbington brother’s after?
The crown
What is the name of the song Flynn and Rapunzel sing while watching the lanterns?
“Rapunzel, look in that mirror. You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady … Oh look, you’re here too!”
Mother Gothel
Who is Rapunzel’s mother?
Queen Arianna
Where does Tangled take place?
What year was Tangled released?
What is the name the men in the pub sing about their dreams?
I’ve Got a Dream
“That’s the funny thing about birthdays, they’re kind of an annual thing.”
Who’s this guy?
Short thug 💀
How old is Rapunzel?
17, turning 18
What is the name of the Pub Flynn Rider takes Rapunzel to?
The Snuggly Duckling
What is the name of the song sung to light up Rapunzel’s hair?
Healing Incantation
“Your dream stinks. I was talking to her”
Hook Hand