Demonstrate a PERFECT About Face.
Do it right please
What are some traits of a bad leader?
What is bossing people around, blaming others, lack of communication, etc. ?
What is the minimum age someone has to be to receive their private pilots licence?
What is 17 years old?
The four basic qualities CAP expects all members to display at all times are _________?
What is Core values/Integrity, volunteer service, excellence, and respect?
What is our camo uniform called??
What is ABUs?
Demonstrate a PERFECT salute.
Sergeant Ramsey Judges
In the Change of Command who does Sergeant Ramsey report to??
What is Sergeant Thomas?
What does aerospace mean? (Not definition)
What is the atmosphere and outer space.
This Core Value challenges cadets to defend human dignity
What is Respect?
What is our formal uniform called??
What is Blues?
What are the three rest positions?
What is At Ease, Parade Rest, and At Rest?
What are the CAP core values??
What is Excellence, Integrity, Respect, and Volunteer Service?
What are the 4 force of flight??
What is Lift, Drag, Thrust, and Gravity/Weight?
Helping out in your local community is an example of_____?
What is volunteer service?
How many stripes are on the Senior Master Sergeant ranks??
What is 7?
What does the command Order Arms do??
What is puts salute down after the command Present Arms?
In the Change of Command who does Sergeant Thomas directly report to?? (what staff position, hint there are 2)
What is the Deputy Commanders?
What is the name of the space mission when Americans first landed on the moon??
What is Apollo 11?
What is the word for "you do not lie or cheat; you do what is right even when no one is looking?"
What is Integrity?
Name our Squadron's meeting scheldule each month.
What is Character Development, PT, Emergency Services, and Aerospace?? (Bonus points if names what 5th Tuesdays are)
What are the 2 parts of a command??
What is the Preparatory & Execution?
The salute is a sign of ____?
What is respect?
What are the most common planes CAP has??
What is Cessna 172 & 182?
A commitment to constant self improvement is an example of this core value:
What is excellence in all you do?
When was the first US flag made??
What is June 14th, 1777?