This chunky guy from sword and shield is nuts and deserves more respect.
Greedent or Skwovet
This champion gets a 21-gun salute after dying but deserves to burn in hell.
This is the best animal.
This food is the best food.
First things first
Rest in peace Uncle Phil
This would be the name for a middle evolution for the diglett line.
Due to recent events this is the number one champion
This squirrel like creature is a combination of the tea cup from Beauty and the Beast and a bald man in the mountains.
This simple 3 ingrediant food is the minnesota version of sushi.
Pickle Wraps
Before we learn to walk we can do this properly.
This is objectively the best starter pokemon.
The name of a league champion I dont know.
A bunch of them
Squirrel like animal flying around with its saggy balls.
This shredded food can be used to enhance many foods including brats, ribs, etc.
Common Noah phrase
lilk solyfure
Kill Yourself
Shiny Ekans
Do do do do!!! Its John Cena!!!
Xin Xhao
This squirrel like animal is in The Lion King
This street food on a stick has negative 13000 health benefits but every bite is worth it.
When you catch Jems gaze outdoors.
Start digging
Sponsored Question
What happens when I accelerate in my Toyota Corolla.
Magcargo fast!!!
This champion is not blitzcrank.
Specifically the rainbow frosting Suprise Party Amumu
This is Twiggy the Squirrels favorite activity.
This rectangular prism is a delicacy traditionally served with vinegar.
This is the meaning of life.
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