Tao's favorite food
What is yogurt?
Tao's job title at Maven
What is Business Recruiter?
What Tao eats for breakfast everyday
What is a yogurt/granola/fruit bowl?
The name of Tao's niece
Who is Winnie?
New Hampshire's state insect
What is the ladybug?
How Tao likes her cheese
What is sweaty cheese?
Year Tao graduated from college
What is 2019?
Tao's favorite camp
What is camp Aloha?
Tao's favorite clothing store
What is Madewell?
Country that has a unicorn as part of its national emblem
What is Scotland?
Tao's favorite thing to cook for herself
What is a boozy breakfast or tacos?
Number of bosses Tao has had at Maven
What is 7?
What state Tao grew up in
What is New Hampshire?
Where Tao studied abroad
What is Thailand?
The world's largest producer of saffron (country)
What is Iran?
Tao's favorite fruit
What is a peach?
Number of roles Tao has filled in 2025
How many is 6!
Reality show Tao would go on
What is Survivor or Love Island?
Tao's favorite flour company
What is King Arthur?
Survivor contestant who became the first to win the game twice
Who is Sandra Diaz-Twine?
Favorite NYC chef/baker
Who is Claire Saffitz?
Tao's favorite office snack
What are chocolate covered pretzels?
Tao's new years resolution
What is to not eat store bought bread?
Tao's celebrity crush
Who is Bobby Flay?
Leader of the food stealing grasshopper in gang in A Bug’s Life
Who is Hopper?