What does Hijrah mean?
Mosque where the Qibla change was ordered...
Birth of Imam Ali (as)...
13th Rajab
Reason for Battle of Badr?
To reclaim seized belongings from the Quraysh.
What does Mua'khat mean?
First & Second Masjid of Islam
1) Masjid-e-Quba
2) Masjid-e-Nabawi
Birth of Imam Hasan (as)...
15th Ramadan
Reason for the Battle of Khaybar?
To remove the threat of the Jews (event where Imam Ali (as) uprooted the gate of the fort in the valley of Khaybar.
Muhajjrin vs Ansaar.
Muhajjrin - Immigrants to Medina
Ansaar - Natives of Medina
First convert of Islam who participated in the construction of Masjid-e-Nabawi
Ammar Yasir (a)
Birth of Imam Hussain (as)...
3rd Sha'ban
Reason for the Battle of Uhud?
Quraysh wanted to avenge their deaths at Badr.
What is the land of Yathrab called now?
Medina-tun-Nabi or Medina for short!
What is the Battle of Badr known as the day of?
Yom-ul-Furqaan (Day of Clarification)
Birth of Imam Mahdi (as)...
15th Sha'ban
What caused the Battle of Ahzab/ Khandaq (hint: trenches)?
Jewish tribes broke treatise for keeping peace and attempted an assassination on the Prophet (saw). Quraysh and some Jewish tribes wanted to attack the Muslims.
Fought against Kufr (disbelief, falsehood) by building a ditch (khandaq).
The Announcement of Prophethood.
From where did the Qibla's direction change? Where is the Qibla now?
From Jerusalem (Bayt-ul-Muqaddas) to Makkah (Holy Kaaba).
Birth of Imam Zayn-al-Abideen (as)...
5th Sha'ban
Which of the Prophet's companions suggested building a ditch during the Battle of Ahzab?
Salman al-Farisi