
Which of the following is a goal of BA as a science?

A) Prediction

B) Description

C) Control

D) All above

D) All Above


You want to measure how often your client puts his pants on independently. What would be an appropriate measure?


B) percent of occurrence

C) trials to criterion

D) frequency

C) Trials to criterion- measures how many attempts it took the learner to achieve a level of performance.


Which of the following is an appropriate time to discontinue services?

A) all answers are correct

B) the relevant stakeholder are not complying with the bx-change intervention

C)services are no longer being funded

D) the behavior analyst is exposed to harmful conditions

A) all answers are correct


Which prompt method would most likely be used first when using least to most prompting

A) partial physical

B) full physical

C) verbal

D) visual

D) visual


Susan learned how to write her name while at her school desk with a pencil. Her mom notices her independently writing her name at home with crayons. Which dimension of ABA is evident?

A) effective

B) analytic

C) generality

D) technological

C) generality 


Which attitude of science requires the practioner to rule out simple explanations of the phenomena prior to moving on to more complex explanations?

A) Determinism

B) Parsimony

C) Empiricism

D) Philosophical Doubt

B) Parsimony

When would you select topography as a measurable dimension to record?

A) when shaping the form of a BX

B) when shaping the intensity of a BX

C) when shaping the frequency of a BX

D) anytime the intervention is shaping a BX

A) when shaping the form of a BX


Presenting portions or elements of another's work or data as their own, is the definition of:

A) intellectual property

B) plagiarism

C) appropriate credit

D) confidentiality in research

B) plagiarism 


Monitoring staff work performance:

A) is essential for any effective supervisor

B) should not be done

C) is often excessive and unnecessary

D) is optional

A) is essential for any effective supervisor


Why is it important to document behavior services you provide?

A) to meet the requirements of the law and your organization

B) to ensure tx integrity

C) to increase billable hours that the behavior analyst may be paid for

D) all of the above

A) to meet the requirements of the law and your organization


This type of contingency most often requires an aversive antecedent from which the learner will escape or avoid.

A) positive punishment 

B) negative reinforcement

C) positive reinforcement

d) negative punisment

B) negative reinforcement


This type of validity refers to the extent of which the changes made to the behavior were significant to the individual. The interventions used were humane and culturally accepted.

A) internal validity

B) generalization

C) social validity

D) external validity

C) social validity


Which of the following BX is most likely a behavioral cusp?

A) speaking

B) all answers provided are correct

C) using an augmentative communication system

D) walking 

B) all answers provided are correct


You conduct a functional analysis and identify that your client engages in PD w/ attention as a primary function. What might be an appropriate, function based alternative behavior to teach?

A) verbally requesting attention

B) frequently deliver attention on a time-based schedule

C) planned ignoring

D) response cost program

A) verbally requesting attention


This is defined as the personal application of bx change tactics that produces a desired change in bx.

A) self-control

B) self-monitoring

C) self-management

D) all of the above

C) self-management


Any response A will reinforce any response B if and only if the independent rate of A is greater than B. This is the definition of?

A)  positive reinforcement

B) response deprivation hypothesis

C) high probability request sequence

D) premack principle

D) premack principle

After 3.5 seconds of prompting Mary, she finally got up and placed her dishes in the dishwasher, which took her 6 seconds to complete. In this scenario 6 seconds refers to:


B) Percent of compliance

C) Latency

D) Duration

D) Duration


You conduct a functional analysis and results indicated that the thumb sucking occurred during all trials including alone, play, escape, and attention at similar rates. What might you conclude from this FA?

A) the bx is likely controlled by multiple stimuli

B) there was likely an implementation error of the FA

C) there was likely data collection error

D) the bx is likely maintained by automatic reinforcement

D) the bx is likely maintained by automatic reinforcement


Unwanted side effects of extinction include:

A) spontaneous recovery

B) extinction-produced aggression 

C) all of the above

D) extinction burst

C) all of the above


When might the multiple baseline design be more appropriate to use over the reversal design?

A) when the target bx is likely to be irreversible

B) when you are measuring the effects of multiple tx

C) the multiple baselines design is always more appropriate

D) when reversing conditions is easily done 

A) when the target bx is likely to be irreversible


Sara sees the color blue and says "blue". Sara sees the color sky blue and says "blue". Sara sees the color dark blue and says "blue". This is an example of?

Stimulus generalization 


Amy is implementing a token economy and wants to know how much reinforcement he needs to provide to see the desired improved BX. What analysis should Amy conduct?

Parametric analysis


Mary engages in frequent elopement. You observe Mary and notice that this bx typically occurs as soon as she is asked to complete a task at school. The teacher typically responds by telling Mary "it's okay, we will work on this later". What might be a function based intervention for Mary?

Escape extinction


You created a goal for one of your clients and wrote a bx support plan specifying what staff must do. What might be the next task to complete?

Train staff in the necessary skills to complete the task 


Cassidy steps on the scale and weighs 125lbs. She steps off and back on and weighs 130lbs. This scale demonstrates...

Neither reliability nor accuracy 
