The definitive resource for all Tax-Aide tax questions.
What is NTTC Publication 4012?
Number of times you can take the Advanced Test
What is 2?
Where Form 1099-K is entered in TaxSlayer.
What is Schedule C Income?
A public safety office can deduct $3,000 from Taxable Income for medical expenses.
What is False?
A PSO can deduct up to $3,000 for medical insurance payments made.
The length of time the average Intake Interview should take.
What is 10 minutes?
Two resources for determining dependency.
What are the Qualifying Child or Relative Resource Tool and the Colorado Resource Toolkit Dependency Calculator?
Four Workbook Exercises required for certification
What are D'Antonio, Huberman, Parata and Tham?
A return is Out of Scope if the taxpayer receives this for goods or services.
What are Digital Assets?
The Client Facilitator, the Counselor and the Quality Reviewer are responsible for seeing that the I&I is completely filled out correctly.
What is "True"?
The keys to press to set All Caps on the Chromebook.
What are Alt & Search?
Contains information in TaxSlayer from Counselor to QR or information to future preparers.
What are Notes and Tags?
The Advanced Test required pass rate
What is 80%?
An energy credit must meet this standard.
What are Energy Star Requirements?
Taxpayers can take a QCD when they start to take their RMD.
What is False?
A taxpayer can take a QCD starting at age 70 1/2.
The person to talk to before telling a taxpayer that we cannot complete their return.
Who is the Local Site Coordinator?
This is where we find the issues that keep us from preparing a return for a taxpayer.
What is the Scope Manual?
What is Pub. 4012?
LMS Courses Required for Certification
What are
- Policies & Procedures
- Technology & Security
- Local Site Coordinator (for some)?
The only time we require a taxpayer/spouse to mail in the return.
What is upon the death of a taxpayer/spouse?
Virtual currency is always out of scope.
What is False?
In general, virtual currency is in scope if the TP receives it, holds it, or transfers it among his own accounts.
This is how we ensure a return is in scope when a taxpayer over age 73 does not get an RMD.
What is request a waiver?
This is who to talk to if you can’t figure something out within 3 minutes.
Who is the Local Site Coordinator or a Quality Reviewer?
Link & Learn Requirements for Certification
What are
- Standards of Conduct
- Intake/Interview & Quality Review
- Advanced Exam?
Computation if the taxpayer receives an IRA distribution and makes a QCD in the same year.
What is deduct the QCD from the IRA distribution to determine the taxable amount of the IRA distribution?
The Standard Deduction is the same for every taxpayer within each filing status.
What is "False"?
Adjustments are added for blind taxpayers or taxpayers 65 and over.
Even though the taxpayer and spouse get this form from the employer, the Simplified Method is only completed for the retired employee.
What is a 1099-RRB?