The Types of Tax You Pay on Your House.
Property Tax
True or False:
Your Employer Pays some taxes for you?
True, Social Security & Medicare is split 50/50 with you and your employer
Where do taxes go towards?
Public Entities
- Schools, Roads, Parks, ect.
State and Federal
True or False:
Appointing the head chairmen of the FED is a job for the FED.
The tax I pay when I purchase goods or services.
Sales Tax
Federal Sales Tax Rate is...
There is No Federal Sales Tax.
Explain The Purpose of Tax Season. (January - April)
To square up with the government for last year's taxes.
What happens if I only make $10,000in a year?
(How would my income taxes look?)
You would have to pay the first bracket's rate to all $10,000.
True or False:
Setting interest rates is a job for the FED
This Tax is Added Tax to Goods Like Alcohol & Tobacco
Sin Tax
Wisconsin Sales Tax Rate is...
5% - 5.5%
Who is in charge of collecting everyone's taxes?
Explain the Tax Bracket System.
A system put in place to determine the amount of income tax that a person must pay based on annual income.
What is the role of the Federal Reserve?
To set and enforce monetary policies
Explain Social Security.
A Required Paycheck Deductions to Help Establish a Public Retirement Fund.
Medicare Rate
This is the form I fill out to tell the government how much I withheld from each paycheck for taxes.
What are the first four rates in the Federal Tax Bracket System?
10% > 12% > 22% > 24%
True or False:
Of the 12 federal reserves regional banks, only 2 are functioning currency mints. (Print Money)
Explain Medicare.
A Required Paycheck Deduction to Help the Cost of Health Care for Elderly or Disabled.
Social Security Rate
This is the form you get annually to complete your taxes, this form tells you how much you made at your job in the last year.
What is one thing that the Wisconsin Tax Bracket System has the the Federal does not.
A flat fee when entering a new bracket
Within the FED, there is how many Regional Banks are there?