What is Taylor's middle name?
When is Eric's birthday?
September 8th
What was the location of their engagement?
The ice rink at Maggie Daley Park
Which movie has Taylor seen the most times?
Which soccer team is Eric's favorite?
In which high school class did Taylor & Eric meet?
Name Taylor's siblings
John, Amber, Haley, & Matt
What is Eric's favorite fast food establishment?
Jersey Mikes or Pizza
Behind which popular sandwich chain did Eric and Taylor share their first kiss?
How many Taylor Swift concerts has Taylor been to? 100+ bonus points for which tours.
Red, 1989, Reputation x2, Eras
Where was Eric when Taylor saw him on a friend's Snapchat, leading to their reunion?
Trivia night
What was the first concert they went to together?
Hoodie Allen
Which body part of Taylor's does she have a phobia of people touching?
Her face
Which one is Eric?
See photo
What is Louie's zodiac sign?
Leo (August 4th)