What is Taylors first album
Taylor Swift (debut)
What is Taylors lucky number
what are these lyrics from? "cuz the haters gonna hate hate hate hate"
Shake It Off
What should you wear on your wrists at a concert?
friendship bracelets (fun fact: she said to wear them and make them in her song “You’re on Your Own, Kid”)
What year was Taylor Swift born?
1989 (she even made an album about it lol)
What album does Taylor wear a purple dress
Speak Now
What is Taylors favorite color
What are these lyrics from "It feels like a perfect night
To dress up like hipsters"
What is Taylor Swift's middle name?
What year was the Eras tour?
What is Taylor's newest album
Name all Taylor's cats
Who are…
Dr. Meredith Grey, Detective Olivia Benson and Benjamin Button?
True or False: “Lucky You” was Taylor's first song ever.
False! It’s “Tim McGraw”.
What kind of farm did Taylor grow up on?
Christmas Tree Farm (she even made a song about it lol)
What year was Red tour
2013 (i was born there lol)
What album has the back of Taylor wearing a braid on it?
What is Taylor's mom's name
What are these lyrics from "Say my name and everything just stops"
What are Taylor Swift fans called?
What were the only two tours with a concert film
“reputation Stadium Tour” and “The Eras Tour“. (fun fact: a disney+ updated version of “The Eras Tour” called “The Eras Tour (Taylor’s Version)” was uploaded in 2024)
What album has Willow and Tolerate it on it?
What is Taylor allergic to
Tree nuts
What is Taylor's favorite song she has wrote
What kind of boots does Taylor like to wear?
When was the Lover tour
Never she cancelled it, but managed to take it a step further by including ALL OF HER ERAS in her “Eras Tour”!!!