En el, todos estamos muriendo.
Who is Adam
"Que la gente..."
"...sepa que tu nombre es Jehova"
Cuantos anos tenia Jesus cuando se bautizó?
The dogs ate well that night
Who is Jezabel
Jesus was tempted THIS many times in the desert
Name the 2 spies that trusted in Jehovah
Who are Caleb and Joshua
"Esto significa vida eterna:
que lleguen a conocerte a ti, el único Dios verdadero, y a quien tu enviaste, Jesucristo"
Donde creció Jesus?
La joven era "muy atractiva y tenia bonita figura"
She kept silent when it was wise to do so but spoke boldly and fearlessly when it was necessary and at the right time.
Who is Esther
"Sean Valientes!..."
Someone described him as "my beloved child and faithful child in the Lord"
"el es mi hijo amado y fiel en el Senor"
Son of a Jewess, his father was Greek
Who is Timothy
"Por otra parte, el fruto del espíritu es..."
What are:
amor, felicidad, paz, paciencia, amabilidad, bondad, fe
Name all 12 apostles
Who are Andres, Felipe, Santiago, Juan, Mateo, Bartolome, Tomas, Santiago, Judas, Tadeo, Simon
If you get the apostle that replaced Judas, you get an extra 100
Su nombre quiere decir "Princesa"
She is known for her obedience and subjection to her head.
Who is Sarah
How many trees were there in the middle of the garden of Eden. Give its/their name(s)
2- The tree of Life and the tree of knowledge
"The works of the flesh" began to be openly produced by *him*:
"enmities, strife, jealousy, fits of anger"
"enemistades, peleas, los celos, los arrebatos de ira"
he was not "looked upon with any favor by God"
Who is Cain
"Todo esta permitido...
pero no todo es beneficioso. Todo esta permitido pero no todo edifica"
Ella siempre esta en el templo. Se acerca a Jose, Maria y el bebe. Empieza a darle gracias a Jehova y a hablarles de Jesus a todos los presentes. Es una profetiza y tiene 84 anos.
el jefe del ejercito le pidió agua, pero ella le sirvió leche en un tazón
Who is JAEL
Donde se encuentra el nombre De Dios por primera vez en la Biblia
Genesis 2:4
Despite his sins and disobedience, he is one of the few people who walked "with integrity of heart"
Camino "con un corazón integro y con rectitude"
Who is David
"Un corazón alegre...
...es una buena medicina"
Mary offered THIS as her sacrifice at the temple, 40 days after Jesus was born
What are two small birds
"she returned to her people and her gods"
"regreso a su pueblo y a sus dioses"
she was a widow
Who is Orpa
Describe lo que representan los 4 jinetes
Jinete del caballo rojo- Guerra
Negro- hambre
Palido- Muerte
Blanco- Jesus