What yellow fruit is sour?
You must ______ with your password.
a. be interesting b. have to
c. allowed to d. be careful
d. be careful
I prefer _______ to hip-hop. (dance)
I prefer dancing to hip-hop.
I prefer to dance to hip-hop.
A graphic designer is someone who _______.
a. makes video games b. designs books
b. designs books
What did your hometown ______ be like?
a. use to
b. used to
a. use to
In which country is New York City located in?
The United States
If you don't have an account, you need to _______.
a. sign out b. sign in
c. download d. sign up
d. sign up
Everyone loves this song. It's very ______.
What job can you grow flowers?
Could you do the dishes for me?
as/is/Bali/expensive/not/as/New York City/.
Bali is not as expensive as New York City.
Use 'what' or 'how' to restate this sentence:
The action in the movie was exciting.
What an exciting movie!
Use 'so' or 'such'
He always sings such sad songs.
Is it correct or incorrect?
I know that I want to work with animals.
Where can you borrow a book?
The library.
Where do you go rafting?
I go rafting on the river.
Agree or disagree with this comment:
I'm not interested in math.
Agree: Me neither.
Disagree: I am!
Correct the mistake:
I don't like listen to loud music before going to sleep.
I don't like listening to loud music before going to sleep.
He's going to join the fire department.
Make this sentence more polite.
Help me find out about the history of the town.
Could you help me find out about the history of the town, please?
Compare these places:
Rome has _________ than Moscow. (old buildings)
Rome has older buildings than Moscow.
Rome has more/less old buildings than Moscow.
What do you write when your friend posts a picture on wechat?
A comment.
In what music genre can you hear trumpets? It comes from the United States.
Jazz music
You need to be good at IT and science to do this job. it's not easy, but it's really fun. I write code for websites.
What am I?
I am a computer programmer.
Use 'used to'
When I was young, I was very short. Now, I am tall.
When I was young, I used to be very short. Now, I am tall.