IB Basics
Clase de español
La Profe
Learner Profile

This is what the letters IB stand for.

What is International Baccalaureate?


This is the name of the Spanish teacher.

What is Ms. TeKolste/Ms. T./Profe?


This is the state where Profe was born and raised.

What is Indiana?


If I do well in middle school, I will be prepared to do this prestigious, globally minded program in high school.

What is the IB Diploma Programme?

We can say Dolores Huerta demonstrated this IB Learner Profile trait when she showed a flexible mindset in understanding the perspectives of her students and their families.

What is open-minded/mentalidad abierta?


One of the components of IB is that you have to take one of these courses in which you learn to communicate with people from other countries and cultures.

What is world/foreign languages?


This is the other language that is offered at TC Howe.

What is Mandarin Chinese?


This is the last school in Indianapolis where Profe taught.

What is Shortridge High School?


These are the four IPS high schools I can go to after TC Howe.

What are Washington, Attucks, Shortridge, and Tech?


We can say Dolores Huerta demonstrated this IB Learner Profile trait when she stayed true to her values of equity and justice by living them out through her actions.

What is principled/integridad?


IB was originally created for the sons and daughters of these people, who represent their countries internationally.

Who are diplomats?


This is the one title that Ms. TeKolste does not like her students to call her.

What is Señora?


These are the three language that Profe speaks fluently.

What are English, Spanish, and Portuguese?


These are the sports currently offered at TC Howe.

What are softball, volleyball, and track and field?

We can say Dolores Huerta demonstrated this IB Learner Profile trait when she used both English and Spanish to communicate between the California government and the migrant workers.

What is communicator/comunicación?


One of the benefits of doing IB is that you can earn these, or free money to pay for college.

What are scholarships?


This is what we should do when we walk into Spanish class.

What is:

(1) greet the teacher
(2) sit in our assigned seats
(3) begin working on the Do Now


This is where Profe went to college.

What is Indiana University (Bloomington)?


These are the four visual and performing arts courses offered at TC Howe.

What are band, choir, art, and theatre?


We can say Dolores Huerta demonstrated this IB Learner Profile trait because she showed kindness and empathy for her students and their families when they could not afford shoes or clothes.

What is caring/solidaridad?


This is another benefit of doing IB.

Many possible answers, including: developing critical thinking and a global mindset, becoming a strong writer, developing a growth mindset, learning to read analytically in multiple languages...


These are the two classes we will take for high school credit in our eighth grade year at TC Howe.

What are Spanish/Mandarin and biology?


This is the name of Profe's cat. It also means someone who is from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

What is Gaúcha?


These are the three things I need if I want to start a club at TC Howe.

What are a group of students, a sponsor, and an idea?


We can say Dolores Huerta demonstrated this IB Learner Profile trait because she put her safety on the line to protest and was abused by police officers.

What is risk-taker/audacia?
