Figurative Language
Context Clues
character, setting, or event

Thunder struck and rain poured. Max stared out the window. He dropped the kite from his hand and started to cry, 

a. He hurt his hand. 

b. He wanted to fly his kite

c. He is scared of thunder

b. He wanted to fly his kite


1. Her hair is like gold and as strong as an ox. 

A. Simile      B. Metaphor          C. Hyperbole       

  D. Personification

A. Simile


Throughout the state, there are growths of lilies, daisies, violets, and asters.  This creates a home for many insects, bugs, and birds. (RI 4.4)

6. What is an aster?

  1. an animal
  2. a lake
  3. a flower
  4.  a fish

  • a flower
  • Mrs. Glover likes to be with her friends and talk on the phone.  A friend calls Mrs. Glover and tells her she is having a party on Saturday. 

  • Based on what you know about Mrs. Glover, what will she do on Saturday?

  • a      go to the movies
  • b      go to the party
  • c      read a book
  • d      stay home and order pizza
  • b      go to the party

I like to work in the morning when the light is bright. The canvas had time to dry overnight. I check to make sure my brushes are clean before I start. 

Who am I? 

a. an artist

b. a hairdresser

c. a lifeguard

a. an artist


 Maria’s new puppy is an eating machine.

 A. Hyperbole        B. Personification   C. Simile     D. Metaphor    

D. Metaphor


After three long, tiring days, the climbers made it to the top of the very snowy Mount Everest. It was bitterly cold and extremely windy. After taking in the view of the other mountains, and snapping a few pictures, the climbers were ready to go begin their descent. This was the easy part of the journey because the force of gravity would help the climbers down the mountains. (RL 4.4)

4.  Using your clues, descent most likely means

  1. move downwards
  2. ride up
  3. keep going
  4. straight out
  • move downwards
  • Mark enjoys helping people in need.  A neighbor knocks on Mark’s door and asks if he has seen her dog, Muffin, who ran away from the backyard.

What will Marco do?

a      go back to watching TV

b      help his neighbor find Muffin

c      read a book about dogs

d      tell his neighbor to come back later

b      help his neighbor find Muffin


Ron and Don were twins. They needed to make some money. They wanted to earn enough money to go to a boys' camp next summer. At the camp, they would learn new things and meet new people. They could ride horses and swim and fish. The boys came up with ways to make the money. They raked lawns, swept walks, washed cars, and walked pets. By the end of the school year, they had enough money to pay for the camp. Then, they heard some bad news. Their friend Sam's house caught fire and burned. Sam's family had nothing left. They had no home, no clothes, and no furniture. Ron and Don wanted to help. They decided to give their camp money to Sam's family. 

 Based on their behavior in the story, the reader can infer that Ron and Don ____________.

 A. do not want to go to camp.

B. are kind and thoughtful.

C. have a rich mother and father. 

D. hate to rake people's lawns.

B. are kind and thoughtful.


The footsteps seemed to be calling their names louder and louder is an example of what type of figurative language?

A. Personification

B. Metaphor

C. Simile

D. Hyperbole

A. Personification


The valiant young woman grabbed the little boy just in time to save him from the speeding car.

The word valiant means:

a. clever

b. angry

c. brave

d. silly

c. brave

  • Ms. Brooks yawned and looked at her clock.  It said 10:00.  She knew she should start her day with many chores she had put off.  Ms. Brooks felt too tired to work and rolled back into bed.  She slept until 2:00 in the afternoon.  When Ms. Brooks awoke, she decided she would watch TV and do her chores later in the week.

Dan could be described as

a      responsible

b      lazy                         

c      funny

d      caring

b. lazy
