I'm the King of Rock & Roll
Who is Elvis Presley
Best know for their potatoes
What is Idaho
3 Most popular fruits in the world
What are bananas, apples and grapes
This alcohol is made with juniper berries
What is Gin
Old Faithful is in this state
What is Wyoming (at Yellowstone National Park)
Paul, John, George & Ringo
Who are the Beatles
This U.S. State grows the most coffee
What is Hawaii
This popular holiday pie was first introduced in 1621
What is Pumpkin Pie
The fastest snake in the world
What is a Sidewinder
This state has the most landmarks
What is New York (270)
She won American Idol in 2005 and is now a popular country music artist.
Who is Carrie Underwood
The Orange Blossom is my state's flower
What is Florida
This cereal is not for rabbits
What is Trix
The largest technology company in South Korea
What is Samsung
This is the most famous landmark in the world
What is the Eiffel Tower
This Michael Jackson album broke all records in 1982
What is Thriller
This state has the largest Native American population out of any state
What is Oklahoma
Mageirocophobia is the fear of this kitchen activity
What is cooking
This European country invented hot dogs
What is Germany
This is the most famous landmark in North America
What is the Empire State Building
This all girl band "Walked Like an Egyptian"
Who are The Bangles
This state is also known as The Evergreen State
What is Washington
After his trip to Paris, this U.S. President brought over a macaroni machine to the U.S.
Who is Thomas Jefferson
There are this many balls on the table during a pool game
What is 16 (15 numbered balls and 1 white cue ball)
This U.S. landmark is 630 feet high
What is the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, MO